Register for our FREE CAFS Camp! 

What to Expect:

  • Day 1- ‘Training your CAFS Crew for Success’.

    Mon May 13 @ 8:00 pm

    Elevate your Community and Family Studies students to develop a rock-solid base
    so that they are set up for unparalleled success from the get-go! 

  • Day 2- ‘Developing your form and technique in CAFS’.

    Tues May 14 @ 8:00 pm
    Unleash the power of strategic applications to Community and Family Studies
    to supercharge class time and maximise efficiency!

  • Day 3-‘Improving HSC results in CAFS’.

    Wed May 15 @ 8:00 pm
    Equip your students with the skills to conquer the HSC so that they propel beyond
    the State Average into high Band 4, 5 and 6 excellence!