In this week's jam packed episode of The Learning Network Podcast we're going to unpack some of the common mistakes that still being made in CAFS, in particular the Research Methodology module.
These common mistakes are part of the reason our kids really struggle in the Research Methodology sectio...
In this week's episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I am joined by courage creator & resilience revolutionary, the appropriately named, Nadine Champion!Ā Nadine is an international speaker, mindset coach, champion kickboxer & martial artistĀ whoseĀ mission is to help women get back up, leave lifeā€™s...
In this week's episode, I am joined by a very special guest, Sharna Dawson. Sharna has a very extensive 20-year career in education, working as a PDHPE teacher for 8 years before retraining. Sharna found her passion in working with students to discover their careers, so she completed a graduate cert...