Reigniting Your Spark: Why we need to Support Teacher Wellbeing

Jun 03, 2024

Teaching has always been my passion and calling, but after experiencing burnout, I knew I had to find a way to help other educators protect their wellbeing. As someone who felt replaced and stressed in the system, I left the classroom because at the time I had no strategies to prevent me from leaving. But through recovery, I gained valuable insights to share. It's why I started this movement to create practical solutions for busy teachers to flourish in the classroom. 

The Pinch of the System  

When I sat on our lounge for weeks after teacher burnout, I had no idea what my next step would be. I didn't want to set foot in a classroom. The pressure and stress I felt on a daily basis was overwhelming. I loved the core of the job like programming and marking, but felt there was no support for teachers' wellbeing. As the eldest of four children and with teachers in my family, education was my calling from a young age. But the modern education system fails to recognise the immense pressures placed on teachers today. 

The straw that broke the camel's back for me was dealing with three toxic women at my school who made me incredibly stressed. On top of the daily stresses of teaching like large class sizes, administrative duties and constant change, their behaviour pushed me over the edge. I had reached a point where I couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel and didn't think I had any other choice than to leave the classroom. The system was literally making me physically sick.

Sharing My Story of Burnout to Breakthrough

Leaving teaching was the hardest decision of my life as it had defined me for so long. I took some time to recover from the burnout and really reflected on my experience. Through recovery, I learned so many important lessons about teacher wellbeing and self-care that I felt passionate about sharing with others. Superficial initiatives like thank you cards and morning teas don't address the root causes or provide real solutions. True change requires advocacy and ground-level strategies tailored specifically for teachers and the realities of the classroom. I don't want anyone else to feel as replaceable and alone as I did.

Practical Strategies for the Classroom

This movement is focused on equipping teachers with tangible strategies they can easily implement every day. Whether you're a new teacher or experienced, we will explore techniques like breathwork, mindfulness setting boundaries and prioritising self-care. On my new look podcast Teach and Flourish- The Podcast guest experts will share their knowledge and research, and I'll interview other teachers to learn about their burnout journeys. My goal is for educators to rediscover their passion and feel truly supported within an improved system. Education needs dedicated teachers and I'm committed to protecting your wellbeing through practical solutions.

Teaching shaped my life and it is why I'm dedicated to giving back through this platform. My mission is to create positive change by advocating for teachers' needs and sharing what actually works based on experience. This is just the beginning of the conversation and I welcome ongoing feedback to ensure we're discussing the most relevant topics. 

Click here to listen to the Teach & Flourish Podcast