Supporting Health and Movement Science Teachers

Mar 13, 2024

As a teacher of 20 years turned coach and mentor who runs memberships and online courses to support Physical Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) and Community and Family Studies (CAFS) teachers, I recently sat down with Stef Love, a PDHPE teacher who is part of my new Health and Movement Science (HMS) Membership.

Why Stef Joined The Health & Movement Science Membership
Stef has been teaching for 15 years and is currently the Head Teacher PDHPE at Sapphire Coast Anglican College. As the only independent school in her area, Stef felt isolated being the most experienced PDHPE teacher. Stef wanted support from other experienced PDHPE teachers and didn't want to feel alone in her planning and preparation. She was drawn to The Health & Movement Science Membership for the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers in similar situations (plus Stef knows the level of support that we provide inside The CAFS Collective, so it was a no brainer for her to also join The Health & Movement Science Membership.

Learning from Others
Being part of The Health & Movement Science Membership has taught Stef to be more open to different perspectives and ways of doing things. During the first MasterClass, Stef realised her scope and sequence could be improved based on other teacher's feedback. She was happy to change her plans straight away to incorporate new ideas. Stef has learned that the Health & Movement Science resources and community will continue to evolve each year based on collaborative input.

Valuable Resources and Time Savings
Stef appreciates that The Health & Movement Science Membership doesn't require a huge time commitment if she can't attend MasterClasses and the recorded sessions allow her to catch up later. She finds the Facebook Group extremely helpful for posing questions to the whole team. The termly resource packs build on Stef's content knowledge and provide options for covering required syllabus areas. Stef estimates The Health & Movement Science Membership has saved her hundreds of hours in planning and preparation over the past year by doing the research and sharing resources.

Advice for Other PDHPE Teachers
Stef encourages any hesitant teachers to just take the plunge and join The Health & Movement Science Membership. She admits it took her a while to join a similar membership for CAFS but it was the best decision. Stef is certain teachers won't regret becoming part of Health & Movement Science - she no longer feels alone in her planning and is excited to collaborate with the extended PDHPE faculty the membership provides.

Being part of The Health & Movement Science Membership has been extremely beneficial for Stef. She has gained new ideas, saved significant time prepping, and feels part of a supportive community of PDHPE teachers. Stef's experience highlights how the membership can alleviate isolation and empower teachers. Based on her feedback, any PDHPE teacher looking for collaboration and resources should strongly consider joining.

Click here to find out more about the Health & Movement Science Membership: