Episode #34 The Power of Community
Sep 21, 2022
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I unpack the power of community!
I have connected with so many amazing educators over the last 18 and a half years, both while I taught CAFS & since I began supporting CAFS teachers. I've been around for a while and many of the teachers I have met, learnt from, supported or developed friendships with have made a bigger impact on me than they will ever realise! This episode is dedicated to them!
This episode will empower you and remind you about the importance of connection, the importance of us working together rather than in silo and the importance of us connecting, learning and growing together.
If you are reading this as the episode is released, the CAFS conference is coming up on the 14th and 15th October, 2022, and will be held in the most amazing magical place, Killcare on the Central Coast. If you've followed me on social media you know what Killcare looks like, as I am lucky enough to call it home, if not, imagine magic crystal clear water and beautiful sand as well as the green of national park & sunsets over Brisbane Water.
After the success of my online conference in 2021, I am so excited to be able to host this conference in person, connecting CAFS teachers from across NSW and enabling that sense of community and connection that has been missed over the last couple of years! This conference is designed to help you build confidence and really understand the content you’re teaching with sessions on…
- Feedback Skills
- Sequencing and Connections Across the Course
- Practical Application of Research Methodology Content
- Using Digital resources to Enhance Teaching CAFS
- Formative Assessment in CAFS
- Differentiation & Tools to Engage CAFS Students
- Engaging & Sequential Approaches to Groups in Context
- Practical Applications of Options in CAFS
- Using Data for Success in CAFS
- PLUS a session all about strategies to meet the needs of all learners with Keynote speaker Gabbie Stroud!
The Conference will be held over two days, but if you can only join us for one that is totally fine, we'd love to see you face to face!
Visit thelearnnet.com/conference to learn more about the 2022 CAFS Conference!
To learn more about the power of community, listen to the epsiode & grab the show notes at thelearnnet.com/34!