Episode #10 The Final Countdown & How to Work Smarter in CAFS
Jan 19, 2022
Hey CAFS Crew!
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast we chat about what you can do to get your time and wellbeing back before the holidays. By prioritising in certain areas and getting those programmes, registers and classrooms ready, you can enjoy your well deserved holidays.
Teacher wellbeing is a huge passion of mine and I take the opportunity within this episode to speak about how you can set boundaries and protect your wellbeing by setting some personal and professional goals for 2022.
I also chat about the steps you can take before next year to ensure your students get the results they should, including STRIVE, my online course which helps CAFS teachers develop a skills based approach to teaching the course which enables students to confidently and successfully tackle the HSC.
Episode and show notes: thelearnnet.com/10