In this episode of The Learning Network's Community & Family Studies Podcast, I am joined by Kell Quarell to talk about creating energy and flow into the end of the year.
This conversation is all about what you can do to move into the busy end of the year with a strong mindset and positive energy!
Kell is a rule follower gone rogue, a lifelong learner, adventurer and spiritual enthusiast with a passion for all things mindset. With over 16 years experience of being her own boss and running multiple companies, Kell has learned what it takes to be successful, not just in business but in life. Kell has worked with women for the last 25 years as a creator and facilitator women's empowerment retreats and workshops and knows firsthand the importance of creating and maintaining positive practices to ensure a strong mindset.
So listen along as we discuss how you can bring the enthusiasm and magic back into this time of the year!
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Show Transcription
Episode Intro - Kelly Bell:
Hey everyone, and welcome back to the Learning Network podcast in this Podcast, episode number 39, I am joined by Kell Quarrell and we're going to be talking about creating energy and flow into the end of the year and Kell and I have a conversation around what you can do to create that magic around the busyness of the year around Christmas time, end of term, all those things that usually happen, but how you can come into this part of the year with a bit of a strong mindset but also come into it with positive energy and flow and kill and I chat all those things. So kill is a rule follower gone rogue. Kelly is a lifelong learner adventurer spiritual enthusiast with a passion for all things mindset. With over 16 years experience of being her own boss and running multiple companies Kell has learned what it takes to be successful, not just in business but in life. While she 1,000% believes work life balance is a load of BS. She knows firsthand the importance of creating and maintaining positive practices to ensure a strong mindset. Kell has worked with women for the last 25 years in what she describes as industries of people and personality types are women's fashion retail manager, beauty therapist, personal stylist, life coach, and as a creator and facilitator women's empowerment retreats and workshops. In that time Kell has learned that all too often women put themselves last kill as a coach and speaker who supports and empowers women with accountability and transformational strategies so they can take control of their mindset. Step into their confidence and live a passionate life fulfilled life. Working with Kelly you get a combination of strategy, framework support and account accountability, all delivered with her no BS approach. And if you don't follow Kell on socials @kellquarrell You'll see Kell's Rockstar new haircut, which I absolutely love so CAFS crew, a huge welcome to Kell Quarrell.
Podcast Intro - Kelly Bell:
Hey, I'm Kelly Bell. Welcome to The Learning Network Podcast. I guide Community and Family Studies teachers, newbies and experienced, through best practice to improve knowledge, increase empowerment and alleviate stress, to help you and your students to make meaningful connections across the course. I will share strategic and purposeful applications from my 16 years experience in the classroom that I have adopted to increase student motivation, enjoyment, engagement and results. Together, we will grow and transform your CAFS crew to the next level without impacting your sleep and wellbeing process. To join my free how to improve writing and fast track results webinar, head to So tune in, get inspired and let's connect, learn and grow together.
Episode - Kelly Bell:
Hi, everyone. And thank you so much for joining another podcast episode of The Learning Network. Today I'm joined by a very special guest Cal coral. And look, you're going to get so much out of today's conversation around energy and flow accountability, and how you can really use some positive energy moving into a really busy time of year, not only as a parent or a family member as a teacher, but also how to kind of capitalise on the energy of this time of year. And then to kind of ease into the new year and set your students up for success for next year. So huge. Welcome to the podcast today, girl.
Kell Quarrel: Thanks, Kell. I'm so happy to be here.
Kelly Bell: Thank you. So I didn't mention at the beginning. But Kell is a women's accountability Coach Kell Can you kind of unpack what that might look like for our listeners?
Kell Quarrel: Yes. So I guess my clients come to me, when they're probably feeling a little stuck in life, they're wanting to change up perhaps their routines or their practices in life and just aren't sure exactly how to get started. And then, you know, when we sort of unpack how it is that they want to feel, what is it that they're really working towards what results are they wanting to get we look at what are the behaviours that they need to actually implement in order to get those results and then that can also lead to what are the thoughts that they need to have to get them into action to have those behaviours So yeah, that's what
Kelly Bell: Yeah, and look, you know, Kell and I've connected, same name, you know, double Kell today. So there's lots of things that we have had conversations around so today's going to be about really I suppose, unpacking what we can do as teachers to move into the busy season but also to have and kill spoken at least personally about having that flow at this time of year. So, look, you're painting the picture. It is Um November for our teachers are at the time of recording and teachers have lots of things to do. Last minute marking reports, but also planning for next year, especially my senior teachers who teach CAFS, they are not only working with their new year twelves, because they live in kind of how to one, two and three, then they started working on four. So some of them are kind of being thrown in the deep end. They're working on that. They're also in thinking, Okay, I need to start planning for next year. Often, you know, we talk about a lot that planning is really important coming into the new year. Teachers don't want to spend the school holidays or six weeks holidays planning. What can teachers do right now to go? Okay, let's take a breather, let's kind of look at what they've got on their plate to really maximise the end of the year.
Kell Quarrel: So I think what you just said is perfect is the fact that they actually need to just take a moment to step away and say, Okay, first and foremost, how do I want to feel as I end the year, like, what is the energy that I want to have? Because there's lots of polarising views at this time of year, you know, there's a lot of that element of, you've got to hustle hard, you've got all of these things that you want to get done, you know, have you achieved everything you set out to achieve this year? And then the polarising complete opposite is like, Let's just all slow down and just flow into the end of the year. And it's about you identifying how it is that you want to feel right now. And as you said, Cal teachers have many different buckets that they are responsible for right now. So they might be, they might be parents, but they're also teachers. They've got their current class, they've got what's happening next year. And it's about just stepping away and identifying what is actually going on in my mind right now. And how can I put that out on paper to clearly see what it is that I do need to get done? What timeframe I need to have it done by and what I need to give my energy to first. And I would always say that you're one of two people, you're either the person that wants to get the most challenging biggest thing off your list first, or you're someone that likes to get some momentum by getting the easy wins, you have to be identifying who you are in that. But it's about what you said, taking some time to really get your thoughts in order. Because when we feel any type of external pressure or internal overwhelm, our thoughts tend to get away from us. And it's not until we get it out on paper that we say, Okay, this is manageable, if I actually really look at what it is that I need to get done, and how I can do that with the time that I have.
Kelly Bell: So would you say physically, like on paper, because our teachers are very actionable, you know, a lot of perfectionism kind of sneaks in there, would you say paper or electronic or it doesn't matter as long as it's kind of set out use and timelines and goals and dates, that type of thing.
Kell Quarrel: I would say that comes down to who you are and how you best operate. If I'm doing what I would call brain dumping. So if I've got any type of overwhelming thoughts or which can occur at this time of year, as we come into the festive season, right Christmas, it's like additional social events, you know, maybe presents to buy food, who's hurt like all of these additional things outside of our careers in our in our jobs. I like when I'm brain dumping, I like pen and paper, I like to just get everything out that I and I have a list that will just stay there for a couple of days. And as something comes in, I add that to the list. And then I can look at it and say, okay, you know, what sort of areas? Or what buckets does this fall into? Can I outsource any of these is any of these actually not really relevant and important. But because when it's in your mind at all, seems chaotic at all seems like it's very, very important. But if that's more for you, you know, on a phone or on a on a document on your computer, do that. It's whatever it is that can get it out of your mind so that you can logically see it all laid out in front of you. And then you can go to work on how do I schedule that in and around what it is that I already need to do.
Kelly Bell: Yeah. And I think when I first started teaching we had we got taught the strategy, I can't remember what it is off the top of my head but the four quadrants Kelly one remember, whatever that is, but I think I think some of us most of us think I have to do this. It's so important but when you really strip it back and look at it laid out either you know on a piece of paper or a whiteboard or wherever on your computer, or even on a physical calendar, you kind of go actually that's not that that's that But yeah, we can kind of not do that this year or it doesn't it's not really that important, or can I actually get my kids, my students or my own children to, you know, go shopping for Nana or whatever it you know, whatever it is? Yeah, absolutely. That happens up here. And we need to really look at it from a bit of a bird's eye view.
Kell Quarrel: Yeah. And often there's, there's tasks that are literally 32nd to two minute tasks. But when you have a lot going on in your head, it just seems also overwhelming. And so when you see it on paper, it's like, well, actually, if I just set aside 15 minutes, I could knock, you know, seven or eight of those tasks off my list. And I work a lot with my one on one clients, on identifying how do they best operate to be to get things done so often is that your task orientated so it might be that you're going to sit and do a task until that task is completed. Other people are energy orientated. So it's like, I will do these tasks until my energy as is at a point where I can't do it anymore. And then other people have better time based. So it's like, I'm going to set a timer, and I'm going to allow myself X amount of time. And wherever I get to, in that amount of time, is all I'm going to spend on that. So you know, just practical things like when you you know, if you get behind in the washing at home, or whatever it's like,
Kelly Bell: I'm the worst for that. Seriously, I have two massive piles over there. Don't hate it, hate babies, puppies, and babies. At the end of the word, we've got plenty of clothes upstairs. Don't stress, like I'll get to this and usually on a Sunday afternoon. And it's like five o'clock, I'm like, Alright, I'm going to come downstairs and listen to a podcast, maybe have a bit of a beverage of choice to.
Kell Quarrel: Oh, some people would find that super overwhelming to think I've got two piles the size of Mount Everest of Washington now fold. That's just too much. And so when we're in over about overwhelmed, we tend to not do anything. So we will avoid at all costs. Whereas if someone might be more manageable for them, so I'm going to set a timer for 10 minutes, and I'm just going to be undistracted go healthy liver, what can I get done in that 10 minutes. And then that is for them more manageable. And often when they see the impact they can make in 10 minutes, they're more likely to do another 10 minute stint somewhere else in the day or that week. So understanding how it is that you operate best...
Kelly Bell: Do you think that sometimes it depends on I think, you know, we spoke I wrote down something tutoria around flow and energy. And I think sometimes we're really good at just like being really narrow, you know, narrow focus, I'm just going to get this done. Other times, I've honoured for myself, you will feel myself kind of going off on a tangent or I did just go and check my emails again, or I need to go and you know, go down, do my photocopying for school, when really if we just kind of focus on one task right there, and then we'll get it done so quickly.
Kell Quarrel: Yeah, it's interesting, because I would take note on the tasks, that you have the shiny object syndrome, so if you're about to sit down and do a task, and the mind is often I'll just pick up my phone, and I'll just check this off. Ah, you know, like, it could be if you you know, it could be anything that takes your focus from you. It's like, just take note on what is the task? And why is it that you're wanting to avoid that. And so they could be tasks that you really don't enjoy. And this is the thing where the reality is for your teachers, there's going to be things that they don't enjoy, and they still have to do them. So when do I when am I best? When is the time of day that is best for me to ensure that I get those tasks done? Or is it a task but you really don't enjoy it, but you can outsource it? Can you incorporate it somehow so that as you said before, students are doing it or you know, someone else can you delegate that out? Because what you'll find is that you will be maybe spending two hours of very disruptive, unfocused time on a task. Whereas if you outsourced it, you wouldn't be able to spend that time doing something far, far more productive.
Kelly Bell: Yeah, that's so good. So talking about moving into the you know, the end of the year with energy, how do you when you speak to you know, your one on one clients, mainly females, how do you kind of address some of the you know, the pressures and, you know, for our teachers, you're an accountability coach, they they're accountable for lots of things. Family The children, their students, their principal, their head teacher, or PE or task coordinator, so many different people, family members, you know, the works. How do you kind of go Alright, well, I've got all these people who need all this from me, how do I protect myself and I have my catchphrases, particular time, energy and well being, that's literally why I started my business to give you some time back to protect your energy, but also improve your well being, how do you kind of protect teachers and help them kind of navigate their energy throughout this time of you?
Kell Quarrel: The first thing is the most important and that is they have to put themselves first. And it is particularly I work with women. And that is something that is challenging for them to do, because they are so used to putting themselves at the bottom of the list if they are parents, you know, so they're putting their children at needs above them, if they have elderly parents that they care for, they'll put that need in front of them, there's just so many areas where we can be pulled in different directions. But it really comes down to really identifying what is it that you need to give you how it is that you want to feel, because some teachers will want to come into the festive season and feel like really energetic and highly energised and excited and really want that beautiful social feeling around Christmas, others will want to be able to really start to wind down, you know, come back into their body feel a lot calmer, like they're going to take it easy. And so it's understanding how do they want to feel, and then what is it that is going to give them that feeling. And that is what they need to do first. So for me, my highest priority is movement. That is the thing that I will do first, every single morning because not only does it keep my physical wellbeing intact, intact, it also is wonderful for my mental well being. So I am a different person when I don't get to move, right, it's like, look out, you know, it's got a roll often. However, that also gives me the feeling of being energised. And so that's what I like, if you're someone that really wants to be like have a greater sense of calm, it might be that mindfulness or meditation, or just spending a couple of moments out barefoot on the grass, or, like whatever it is, you know, you can take it as well as you want. But it's understanding what is it that you want? How is it that you want to feel and what are the activities that you can do that are going to give you that feeling, and you need to be able to remove that I don't have time mindset. Because I always talk to my clients about do what gives you the biggest return on your investment. So if movement is is your highest value, and you only have 10 minutes, determine what is going to give you that energised feeling through movement in 10 minutes, it's not that you have to go and do a 45 minute class, it's not that you have to go for an hour run. It's like you work with what you've got, but choose what it is, it's going to give you the biggest return on the time and the energy and all of those things to give you that feeling.
Kelly Bell: It's really powerful. And I know that you've spoken a lot about morning and morning routines. And I think typically I never used to be a morning person I I'm not like wouldn't sleep in but I would just not want to want to wake up super early. But I think you know, as the older I get, I realise how important that morning is. And that time is so so precious. You know, I started running probably seriously, I don't know, but maybe back in 2014. And I would have to get up at you know, five o'clock to then you know, go the door at quarter past five. If I didn't have that time if I didn't get my butt out of bed. I wasn't that I was never going to do in the afternoon. No way was I going to run on a full stomach, especially after work and kids and whatever else. Later in the day. It has I always think has to be done morning. The best. That's the best part of the day. My husband has been a morning person forever. We've been together for a really long time. And he's always preached this but I know now for me like if I don't get stuff done in the morning, it just doesn't happen. Like all these visions of me going to the gym in the afternoon or going for a run. It doesn't cut it. So I think look, there's a lot of really great people to listen and to watch in the fitness space around morning routines. But I think just getting it done in the morning. It's like, how good is it to actually take that off, not off the list but to go yep, I've achieved that. I'm going into that day with so much energy You and I look, I know people have, you know, some of us have really difficult circumstances with, you know, sick children and elderly parents to deal with in the mornings, that type of thing. But if you can get up even just a tiny, tiny bit earlier, your whole days and look so different and unassigned if I don't, if I don't move my body in the morning, if I didn't go to the gym now, more Gmail than running, although I did sign myself up for a 14k ran in the bush for this weekend. Have I done much training? Not really?
Kell Quarrel: Oh, please let us know how that goes.
Kelly Bell: Yeah, look, I just, I just You just feel so much different. So I'm going to ask you, how do you? How do you retrain your brain to get your butt out of bed in the morning?
Kell Quarrel: Well, there's different strategies. And for me, I like to set up my life where I can be self accountable at any given moment. So I, I'm in what I call my F 45 Season of Life, because I have told myself the same story for most of my life, that I am not a morning person, and then we moved to Queensland just over 12 months ago. And of course, it's like in summer, it's light at 430 in the morning. And what I quickly realised was for me to be able to maximise my time in the morning to get what I want to get done in the morning to feel how it is that I want to feel. It is about me getting up at five o'clock in the morning. So I set I book in an F 45 class for 530 every morning. And that, for me is just a process for Well, I've taken the spot from someone else because I booked in, if I cancel last minute, or don't show up, I'm costing that business money. So these are the thought processes that I go through. And it's also movement that I absolutely love. So I'm doing something that I enjoy, I'm getting the reward of the mental and physical well being aspects, but I'm also being self accountable. Because if I was if I was just going to the gym right now, I would be able to hit snooze quite easily and not go. Yeah, so it's about understanding who I am. You know, then there's like Mel Robbins, the 54321 Like, you know, just get your feet on the ground before your head gets involved. But it's about just really, whenever we're creating a new habit, we need to associate the reward or the what we're avoiding, it needs to be greater than what the current habit gives us. So it's about like really understanding that. How are you feeling now? And how is it that you could feel if you change your morning routine, and it's ultimately just like, you know, in the end, you just got to do it, like, at a rate you know, like, if you are if you are tired, if you are frustrated, if you're overwhelmed, if you're walking into school, thinking I have not had one minute to myself to just compose my thoughts, then just start set the alarm 10 minutes earlier, get out on the floor and roll, you know, like do some stretches or do a quick walk to the end of the street and back like just something so you can start to see and feel the difference of making those changes. Doesn't have to be like I have to get up at 5am
Kelly Bell: No, no stupidly. No, I didn't say I didn't say so. And Daniel because Daniels he's really really good move to the coast things you know things are different he's had a few injuries with work and you know as a plumber his body's starting to go okay. I need a bit of a bit of a break and I know it's for him it's he needs a break but he's taking a break anyway long story for me he's like how can you like get up in the morning and you like a robot alarm goes off you're up out of bed and you know I'm not I'm not there yet. In my head but physically. I'm up I'm I'm getting dressed. You know? It's just it's a complete habit. I have to win as soon as I get that alarm go off. I'm up my feet on the ground. I'm in the bathroom getting dressed. I'm ready to go and only give myself like 15 minutes to get out. But once I'm in the gym I'm like okay, in like you never regret doing exercise in the morning or ever. This morning I don't know why I just didn't feel that crushed when I woke up. But there's that you know that mind goes okay well I won't I just go like there's a class you're gonna feel so much better for it and you do like you feel a million dollars you feel escapes better. And I laugh at people kind of not laugh I shouldn't say like this, but there's free medicine. Like I'm a PE teacher. A lot of our listeners my listeners are PE teachers we you know we're pretty good. I think sometimes we get caught up in In work and stress, and there's free free medicine through exercise, you know that but like you said, if we're, if you are struggling small little things, okay, walk down to the park, do a couple of laps down there or walk to the corner store, grab some milk or whatever it is, and then kind of gradually, you know, extended out to the half an hour 20 minutes is, is great time for you and also for your thoughts as well, I think.
Kell Quarrel: Yeah, absolutely. And, as you said, like, it doesn't have to be Doom, it doesn't have to be a class, it can be whatever it is that you want. And honestly, there is really no excuse anymore, with all of the free content on YouTube and all of these platforms, like if you if movement is your thing, and it is what you want, you can find free stuff that you can do at home, like I understand, we all have 24 hours in a day. But we don't all have the privilege to spend that time how we choose. But when you start to understand the benefits of doing something for yourself every day, then you find you will find the time, that's the big thing, you will just find the time because you know how much it benefits you and how the rest of your day flows.
Kelly Bell: So talking about flow. You know, you mentioned before, I love Christmas, our family loves Christmas. Most people do some for some people, it does trigger, you know, some childhood areas that might not be positive for them. And people feel really overwhelmed. My dad is a funny one. My dad loves being around people. But he also is a bit of a soloist. And he had his own business for many years. He's a pollster by trade. Now he doesn't gardening at my ex school, actually. And yeah, he always used to push himself right to the last minute. So sometimes on Christmas Eve den would still be shopping or still be working on someone's beautiful lounge or they'd to be kind of delivered and coming into Christmas. It wasn't fun to be around, like and I'd say this to his face right now that it wasn't a good time for him. He didn't feel in his flow. But as soon as Christmas Eve came our Christmas Eve mass, you know, Catholic, kind of that's the only event we would go to Christmas we would go to Mass have dinner together and that like that would be dead and then you know that would then kind of Christmas holidays would be there and he would be really present and you know, whatever else but for him, Christmas time was busy because he felt like he was he was on the clock you know, people want so much of you. You know for us, I'm say asked but for teachers, programmes and assessment tasks for next year. And, you know, whatever else that needs to be done, booklets to be printed off, professional learning to be finished, all this stuff just mounts up. How do you ease into this time of year with a bit of bit more flow?
Kell Quarrel: I think it's interesting because a lot of people do have either increased workloads or heightened energy at this time of year. And you're so right. I absolutely love Christmas, we actually already have our Christmas decorations, our time for recordings, eighth of November, and my daughter put it up on Sunday, she was so excited. And so yeah, I love the Christmas carols and all of the things but I understand as you said, there are you know, definitely triggering for certain people, as well as the financial pressures for people can be really big around Christmas, and I just did an email last week to my database about you get to choose how it is that you want to feel at this time of year. But it's really understanding that, you know, how is it that you want to feel? And what is it that you need to let go of, or old stories or old patterns of behaviour that could be triggering coming into this year. I always love to reverse engineer like I like to look at what's the end goal and then how do I work back from there. And so I would be as a teacher knowing that you have you know, the January school holidays and you know, how do you want to spend that time so, you know, when do you come back into work mode? Like is it the week before school starts or only you can decide those things but kind of work from there and work back and say well, what is it that I want to be able to do in those January school holidays? Who do I want to spend the time with, you know all of those things, then all the way back through to Chris like New Year Christmas and just work back from like that end goal. And then look at everything that it is that you do need to have done before the end of the year. And look at when can I realistically have all of these things that I need to do done by. And often I work with my clients and say, Can we have a good, better best? Because, as you said before, often a lot of teachers are perfectionists. So that always working for the best, and if we don't get to the best, then there's that sense of disappointment or possibly frustration, etc. So it's like, well, can we have a good, better best for the tasks at hand that we really need to achieve? So that they are actually timeframes. So they're actually in your diary to say, Okay, this needs to be done by this day, my best result would be a week before, like, what however it is that it works for you. So that when you come into the end of the year finishing that you can then just flow into, okay, now I'm switching into present buying mode, or now I'm switching into family mode or nowadays that, you know, there's going to be more social engagement. But for me, it's really knowing everything, like we said before laying it all out in front of us. And then scheduling that into whether or not you use digital diary or or paper physical format diary, but scheduling it and perhaps looking at it. Can I have a good, better best? These things? Yeah, planning ahead.
Kelly Bell: Yeah, that's really good. And I think, you know, a lot of teachers think they have to get all this stuff done. I know, I'm like, I will raise my hands so bloody high, saying that, I would say, oh, I need to print off those posters. Again, I need to clean my classroom, I need to start that booklet for next year or the start of my programme. No, you don't kill like, no, stop. Like, there is a time for you to stop and on a robot, you have to actually stop me enjoy this time of year, not just with your family, but with your class, I've your class are still, you know, you have if you're in a seven to 12 school, you still have 12 year olds possibly, maybe you know, Christmas is still you still like everyone, most people love Christmas, your students kind of also feed off your energy as well, which is another whole conversation we could have about people and energy and obviously, how that kind of works. But I think, look, I think I'm lucky I'm out of the classroom. So I don't have that pressure, I think from other people, but maybe start there what is your boss actually like? What do you what do you have to do? Like you have to do registers? No, we have programmes as teachers, we have to run a programme, we have to then sign and data to say we've, you know, we've we've achieved this with our students that particular you know, term or whatever our registers have to be done at the end of every term. Okay, that's, I have to do that. That's my registers. I have to make sure all of my, maybe my central entries and it was like a, like a database of student entries or or anything like that. Okay, that has to be done. What else do I have to do everything else? Honestly, it can wait It can wait to next year, it can so wait to January 2023, it doesn't have to be done. Don't need to rewrite a programme or rewrite an assessment task yet. Or, you know, for my teachers, you can ask me ask me for help, you know, use other people I think we haven't spoken about, you know, accountability for other people or connecting with others. But I think using the people around you for support is really important. I think, again, as teachers and I think a lot of women like you said, we don't ask for help until it's too late. No, too late.
Kell Quarrel: Absolutely. And to understand what your non negotiables are, are super important. Like as I said, there is going to be things that teachers just simply have to do and they have to have it in by certain amount of time then they are just the non negotiable things that you must ensure you have allowed yourself the time to get done. And then it's also about understanding that by creating space in your life in your diary in your schedule will actually be a positive to move into the like next year because it'll give you space to have fresh ideas to have you know a fresh set of eyes basically on what it is that you think you need to do now that you can then do you know as you said in January just allow yourself to have that space
Kelly Bell: Yeah so good. So kilter Grub Hub I am asked my guests a question and it's not a question about you know, regrets or anything like that it's what advice would you give to your younger self not give advice to other students or to you know, your children but to you to the younger you what advice would you give to the younger Kell?
Kell Quarrel: All Gosh, that's so interesting. Probably the, what's probably relating to me right now is you don't actually have to have it all figured out.
Kelly Bell: Oh, that's really good advice. Yeah, I think I look, I'm we're very similar actually, I think like a lot of these things that we've shared before. But, you know, I've always said that there should be a plan. But I think, you know, as you get older, you kind of realise there doesn't have to be. And I think, you know, both of us are quite privileged to to have that space to go well, I don't know what the next, you know, three months will look like, let alone next three weeks. But I think I think it's something that all of us can definitely take into our own life to go. You don't have to always know the answer. You don't always have to know what's going to happen. Just let it flow. And let's just see what happens.
Kell Quarrel: Yeah. And I think ultimately, like, you know, life already has a plan for us. We just have to be in flow with what that is, and probably get out of our minds, because the mind always wants to know what's next. But yeah, just yeah, be okay with the fact that everything's going to be okay.
Kelly Bell: That's awesome. Thanks so much killer for jumping on. I really appreciate it. You shared so many things for my teachers.
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