In this week's jam packed episode of The Learning Network's Community & Family Studies Podcast we're going to unpack some of the common mistakes that still being made in CAFS, in particular the Research Methodology module.
These common mistakes are part of the reason our kids really struggle in the Research Methodology section of the HSC and why I continue to see the same misunderstandings and incorrect answers year after year after year.
If you're looking for Research Methodology resources and are interested in continuing to learn and grow to help your student succeed, check out the Research Methodology Resource Booklet and The CAFS Collective Membership below!

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Show Transcription
Episode Intro - Kelly:
Hey everyone. Welcome to episode number 37 of the learning network podcast. In today's podcast episode, we're going to unpack some of the common mistakes that still being made in New South Wales schools in Community and Family Studies, especially for research methodology. In this podcast episode, I'm going to show you some of these common mistakes. And look, I think it's part of the reason why our kids really struggle in this part of the HSC, the research methodology part of the HSC because they're still making these mistakes, year after year after year. I'm talking 18 years later, I still see some of these mistakes that I personally made in my first few years of teaching CAFS, so strapping for this one. It's jam packed. There are lots of things that we unpack in this episode. And if you would like to access some goodies from this episode, head over to masterclass to access the PDF and the booklet that went with this particular session. So masterclass is where you need to go enjoy team.
Podcast Intro - Kelly:
Hey, I'm Kelly Bell. Welcome to The Learning Network Podcast. I guide Community and Family Studies teachers, newbies and experienced, through best practice to improve knowledge, increase empowerment and alleviate stress, to help you and your students to make meaningful connections across the course. I will share strategic and purposeful applications from my 16 years experience in the classroom that I have adopted to increase student motivation, enjoyment, engagement and results. Together, we will grow and transform your CAFS crew to the next level without impacting your sleep and wellbeing process. To join my free how to improve writing and fast track results webinar, head to So tune in, get inspired and let's connect, learn and grow together.
Okay, let's go. So thank you so much for joining tonight's masterclass and huge welcome to our castle it did members just a show of hands of who is in the cast collective, quick show of hands or sir. And there's a couple of new faces here who are joining us tonight to really unpack some common mistakes in research methodology, things that kids are still doing and look if the kids are doing it means that maybe some of us aren't actually nailing it. You guys can have a read about it at some point later. But as I mentioned at the beginning, these are things that I've seen, not just in my master classes with CAFS teachers or na students. So I had I think 24 sessions this year. So that from that from the kids there from lots of different experiences that I've had around CAFS for those of you guys who know what I've been involved in from, from working with you guys and things that I've seen on social media, quick, common questions that people are asking, but also then, you know, we can kind of see it in the end game that kids are still making these mistakes, mistakes time and time again. So as I mentioned tonight is about you guys. So you're in the right place. If you're ready to rectify these mistakes, like right now we're literally in the thick of it week four, we can make these really quick changes to make a big impact with our kids. We're really trying to transform the focus of what the kids are working on, but also ready to embed the content all the way through within the IRP itself, but also for the kids to start to see that connection between I actually have to do this process. But then I have the HSC at the end of it. Now, I know that there has been some discussion around how many questions in the HSC are reflective of research methodology. It should be 25 marks. So a quarter of our paper is made up of research methodology questions. And often the kids might do really well on the IRP but then they really bomb out and this part of the HSC exam. So tonight is, again, we're gonna unpack the common mistakes that our kids are making steel with research methodology. I'm going to show you what you can do really simple things to rectify those mistakes. I'm going to give you some tips around embedding research methods throughout your living huge valve, but also how to nail that section of the HSC exam. So you'll be given lots of little goodies from tonight that everyone will receive a download of this tomorrow, hopefully, but if you're a CAFS collective member, it'll be in your portal. So don't forget when you log in, you get your own log into the portal, you will see all of the lessons that we've done this year as they said nine plus and this year as a CAFS collective member when you join up you actually then get access to everything I've done before. So those of you who are continuing and you have renewed your membership for next year. Thank you so much for agreeing for maybe a part of your life and I told them adds, but also you guys will have access to all that as you continue through your membership as well, so it won't go away. It'll always sit there and any other resources you guys purchase with your 10% discount. Don't forget that that will see in your portal as well. Okay, so why why are we having this conversation? Again, my promises to you guys tonight is to rectify these common mistakes, to have that really that connection to that focus. Is it really important to be able to embed these content and skills really strategically along the way but also to improve our kids Performance and Results.
I've been exactly where you guys are right now. Hands up if you're teaching cat Utah CAFS for the first time this term. So Elise, who wants to be have? Give us a thumbs up if you don't have your screen on? Let us know I think Jesse might be in the same boat. Jean, same same and I think other Jessie's as well. So, look, these are things that I've seen. But I've also done myself. When I first started teaching CAFS all the way back in 2004. I had the syllabus in a textbook and I had no support whatsoever. My head teacher was really great. Um, Karen was my, my PHP coordinator. She was awesome. But for me to have that support, she kind of like trusted what I was doing and kind of said, Hey, go kill, you'd be fine. Like, you know, run with it, make it your baby. And you know, you'll be fine. You'll be okay. But it's not just from what I've seen, but also some things that I common mistakes I made along the way. So these are my four common mistakes that CAFS teachers and students are still making. And look, we're the ones leading it. And I think often we see some of those gaps in the kids understanding because we're still not doing some things that we could be doing a bit better. And look, that's what learning is about, you know, there's no right or wrong way. But there's just some small tweaks, as I always say, to make some really big changes with the kids. The first one is some misunderstood content. And I've really seen that this year in my master classes. So as I said to you, guys, 24, you taught master classes in turn three, a couple of months in the holidays, I had a few face to faces here, which was great. So I joined Beth down at Bethany. And we also went to a couple of schools on the coast and then one down this evening. So it was great to connect with you guys face to face after being online for so long. But some of our kids still have a bit of a misunderstanding with some content. And look, I remember I don't know who it was, someone said to me, Oh, I don't really teach it like that, or I didn't realise X, Y and Z, again, having that disjointed content, or that connection to the research process that you do. But also there's the HSC as well. And we're still I still see a lot of teachers still teaching the content separately.
So we're going to do the process we're going to do the IRP together, teach facilitated maybe if you've done those strategic approaches for that IRP course, and then you're taking the content separately, the kids still have that disjointed view and knowledge of what that content looks like. And they often kind of forget that they're learning the process. So they're learning about research through the process of the IRP. So remember, even, you know, even doing some sessions on Zoom kids saying, Oh, I can't remember what that was. That was what we did for our pictures are saying, Oh, what was your sample size? What was your sample group, that type of thing that like, oh, I can't remember. I'm like, hang on. You've got the content here now, but you've forgotten about the process of bringing that all together, is really important. So as I've mentioned, you guys, and most of you know my story now, so I started teaching CAFS in 2004 Fresh Bayes 22 or three year old I can't remember how it was but I got thrown in the deep end and I kind of made CAFS my own. By the time I left Sydney, to come to the Central Coast, we had about four classes. All girls Catholic school in Blacktown nagels, a beautiful school, our kids really struggled to be honest, non English speaking background, a lot of migrants and look, the kids loved our course. At one stage we had, I think 90 out of 120 girls doing it, but I think you know, for them to really struggle from the beginning to really help them with it, their skills. And then obviously, you know how those four classes was really satisfying.
So all the things I'm sharing with you guys tonight as a result of my journey and CAFS with writing and presenting the best part of 12 years. And all the other experiences I've had, I've seen the end game I've seen what our kids are doing at the end of the journey. And I want to show you guys what you can do to really make some small changes with the kids to make a huge impact. And obviously, you know if you followed a lot of my socials and there's always a reason or method to my banners. So tonight I'm going to kind of unpack what how I, how I focus, the IRP process and the research methodology unit of work. So, if you've done Hands up if you've done strategic approaches that IRP before I know there's a lot of you guys and many of you started your journey with me with So thank you for being and still being around. So you guys will remember that I actually not backwards map it. But I start from the back end, I actually talked through the actual process of what the kids are going to do at the end. So kind of starting with the end in mind, if any of you guys have listened or watched or read any of the understanding by design framework stuff, that's kind of where that comes from showing the kids where they're going, and then giving them really strategic direction along the way, so they kind of know what to expect.
So one thing I really start with is for the kids to kind of know the process like it goes from planning, conducting, interpreting the data, and then they're going to go through this process together with you if they don't teach facilitated, or individually in a student centred IRP. So, what I often see the kids make mistakes around in is that their research focus is way too broad. I know that my niece who's doing CAFS next year, will sorry this year, she mentioned that they were doing something about wellbeing. And I said are Maddie like what type of wellbeing are you guys focusing on? Or is it just wellbeing in general, and she wasn't really sure, or kids doing things like body image and drink driving and teenage pregnancy. All these sorts of things that don't really lead to our CAFS scores, but for some reason along the way, they've just been part of the process. And it's something that kids want to, to do, I don't know.
The other thing that I often see is our students, I suppose that our schools, often just doing maybe one sampling method, they might just use convenience. And that's it. But I'd really encourage you guys to start to look at maybe different ways to use sampling in your classes, to the kids really get to see what that looks like. And then really get to see that it's a number of different sampling methods, it really enables that reliability and validity to shine rather than just relying on the people they know kind of thing through convenient sampling. Another thing that the kids often make mistakes in a really unsure about is this idea about the suitability of different research methods. So we have our five research methods. And in a second, I'll show what that learned to is about. But often the kids don't really think big picture, they kind of just go, Oh, we did a questionnaire. And it was good because we've got questions and answers from it. They don't really think about why is a questionnaire more suitable than, say, an observation or a case study for certain topics or for certain focuses. And what I really see come through a lot and that's not just from hearing from you guys. But from my own students. You know, 16 years in the CAFS classroom, a lot of kids have been through Kelly bell or Miss Brown back in the early days. Look, then being able to look at data, like the actual numbers, the quantitative data, but with the qualitative data, look at what their secondary research is showing, and then kind of coming up with some sort of valid conclusion about what they're saying. And look, we've seen it before in the HSC. When we get our kids results back, we kind of see that often the questions with graphs or tables are something that they struggle with, pop in the chat space. And let me know if that is some of your kids if they really struggle with with data and information and trends and that type of thing, pop in the chat and let each other know if that's kind of something that your kids experience.
Okay, so that's the first stage. So I go through the kids with the research process. And I've got an activity, a really simple thing that you guys can do straightaway for kids around the process itself. But knowing where they're going with it is really important. Okay, now to kind of unpack the main, I suppose, is the first part about Research Fundamentals. So it's like research 101, many of us might have done a unit at university. We didn't like, you know, you meant to do this research, you're meant to do these papers, but we don't actually teach you about that stuff beforehand. So let me know if, if you did that at uni, we certainly didn't. Okay, so common mistakes that I see often happen a lot is the kids see that the IRP is like just what research looks like, they don't actually see in the field. So I think when I really unpack this with kids, like the purpose of research, the focus of research, they don't really know what that looks like on the ground. So they kind of think that IRP is the only researcher that they're ever going to see, or they might see in their papers. They do society, but they often don't see what it looks like in the real world. So when we talk about the purpose of research, like why would a researcher then be granted, you know, $1.5 million to conduct this research, they kind of don't see that big picture. They just kind of have blinkers on and see in like a silo rather than opening up their classroom to see what's outside and what's actually happening in the field. I think going to and using experts that you might have in contact with or lectures, people at universities who are doing that, that research is a great way for the kids to see that it's not just our high IP. But research is so important in our community so important in Australia and all over the globe. The big one is sampling methods, the kids still don't get it. They often think that you just, you know, ask someone like, you know, you got volunteer methods, or convenience, or sometimes the kids confused quite a few of them. So stratified
Audience (2): Yeah, the cluster and the stratified are really confusing.
Kelly: Yeah, so I've got a visual for you guys. This is taken from my revision cards if you have a copy of those, but really good visual. And at the CAFS conference, I know Julie did Julie Dalton did a really big activity on what that looks like. So making it really physical and come to live is a really great way to do that. I know Beth, I did that with Bethany. Down Hurstville actually showing the kids what sampling looks like when you're having a convenient sample when you're having a stratified sample. When you're having a volunteer sample, or when you're having cluster or systematic, all those types of sampling methods, physically doing it with bodies with people, or objects I know, during zoom, and some of you guys might have seen us last year, I forgot to do it this year, but I had like little sour patch kids. And I use that as my little sample, but practical ways to kind of do that and to bring it to life. The other thing that kids really struggle with, and I think it's our misunderstanding or our lack of understanding around what. So we have these on paper, all these different sampling methods, we kind of might use them in our own research for our IRP. But when it comes to sample group, the kids often kind of go well, why, like why did we choose those people? Or how did we actually use our sample group in our research, and then similar to the sample side, so sample size, and I think for the kids, it's the significance of that, again, I'll show you something in a second. That kind of makes a bit more sense with that.
The other one, I've taught CAFS since 2004 really long time guys. And the number of teachers and students that still get these two confused reliability and validity is not astonishing. But it's something that that I think we just kind of need to get our head around it look at different ways to kind of teach it. And then it might make a bit more sense for the kids. Often the kids mesh it together as one big concept and say reliability and validity can be enhanced through blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, or you have valid articles, that's often that comes up a lot, you have valid articles. Validity isn't about secondary data. It's about primary data. So again, something for for us to think about. Right? So that's Research Fundamentals. If you've done the IRP course, you would know that I just moved this up, I teach it straight after sampling. Look, this is some things that you guys are like, whoa, wait, I mean, it's alright, I've done this for like, you know, 10 years now. But I bring that up and make sure I kind of link it up here, because I'll learn too. So let's learn about learn to, and this is a syllabus, our Learn to is explained how sampling contributes to reliable and valid research.
So this is really important here, I reckon, nearly every second year, we have some sort of question that has to get the kids to think about sampling, and then reliability and validity. What am I doing in research? What is the researcher doing out in the field to ensure that their data is going to be both reliable and valid? So somebody that the kids really confused a lot? Any questions, any want to anyone want to ask me anything about those? Those are the ones. Okay, I think your behaviour, I kind of like this session, it's pretty straightforward. However, the kids still take it for face value, and they don't really kind of look at what it looks like in research or think about how that then they might have done that, or actually put that into action in their own IRP. So again, learn about learn to, so all these four here are really important. And we saw only recently this year, there was a question around sensitive research topics. And the kids, you know, after having conversations with them, you know, you probably saw that they they didn't nail that sensitive research topic, they might have said, Oh, so I forgot to include an example or I forgot to link it back to this, this and this. They say only part of the question. They forget, you know that second half, it's really important for the kids to unpack each of these four things in relation to each of these four areas. So when you conduct research for a sensitive topic, how do you like, you know, ensure respect, how do you make sure you're being integral or protecting someone's privacy? confidentiality, how does that work? And how would you do that through privacy, that type of thing. So having that connection with the learn about in the Learn to, and then bringing that to life. And then the other thing that kids talk about a lot, they know what bias is like by, you know, I'm biassed I've got personal bias towards something. But they then forget to kind of link it to the research part. They are really good with talking about No, oh, that's a biassed opinion. But then they don't think about it, how that looks in research as well.
All right, let's look at the second last one. So this one is around types and sources of data. A lot. I forgot to actually write this and something that you guys might want to jot down somewhere. And then you can add it in later. But I'll actually I'll update this but they confuse types and sources of data. Hands up if your kids have done that before. Yeah, types and sources, they confuse it, you're like know is that the wrong thing, you actually want to talk about sources of data. It's the types of data that you know, we're looking for common kind of thing. Primary and Secondary is done a lot in hesi, and all those kind of courses. So the kids are pretty okay with that. They still don't get the student get qualitative and quantitative. If you're new to CAFS, it's really simple, qualitative, and like I've stuffed it up 1000 times, I'll punch it, I know it will make qualitative, but I kind of you know, you're kind of talking about it in class on the fly. And the kids like on the spot ones that it just quality, that's got quality in it. And so it's going to give you lots of quality information, values, opinions, ideas, issues, through things like interviews, you can get that that person's opinion, their body language, they're going to give you some some detail. And then quantitative data, so numbers, statistics, trends, that type of thing, quantity, the word quantity is in the Word.
So again, as I mentioned, they get that confused, they often also the therapy with this part here, but often, their advantages and limitations are often they're not really sure what that looks like, in the real world or in research. So so how is an individual? How is that going to be offered limitation in research, or what happens with a group when you're doing research? How's that provider limitation? Pre digital, they're not too bad with I think for that. But again, they don't talk about the advantages, they just go negative, negative, negative. Okay, and the last one are the five research methods. So there are five that we look at, if you've done your living course, you have seen a sprinkle of them through and probably thought where the hell, what is the purpose of these, when they syllabus before it was amended, they were not in there at all. And we had to teach them just in the last section of research. So these are sprinkled out when the syllabus was amended in 2016, to make also 2013, to make it really explicit for the kids to practice them in year 11 and need to have them kind of really nailed in our term for in response, whenever you do research methodology to one, two, and four usually is when people do that do it.
Again, common mistakes that kids make in this is not knowing that case studies can also be a secondary research method. So it's kind of going to other researchers case study. So can we use like that? So a researcher might go to someone else's case study or a case that was was done, you know, obviously, it's a longitudinal, longitudinal study over time, or, you know, a few years, you know, a couple of decades, it just depends on what the focus is. The kids also confused, open and closed questions and don't really know some examples of what they look like. And they forget that link to qualitative and quantitative data and how you can get qualitative data through lots of A's or quantitative data from parts. Participant, non participant observation isn't in the syllabus. But I think it's a great way to show the kids of how that looks and why it's suitable or possibly not suitable to do that. And again, this potluck. Yeah, the suitability of this, I reckon, you know, every second year, every third year, we've had a question around suitability, and the kids just don't get it. They just, they can't see that that big picture kind of thing of what that looks like.
Okay, does anyone have any questions about content, any kind of common mistakes that I've just unpacked really quickly? Any questions for me or for each other? I can't see the chat if it's working. So hopefully, no one has any questions that hasn't gone on answered. But if you do, just make sure you just shout out. Okay, so what do we actually do about it? There's all these mistakes that kids are making, and we only have, you know, a limited amount of time and resources and weeks to get through this stuff. It's really important for the kids to apply the understanding all the time. Application is really, really crucial. And, you know, if you've if you've followed any of my stuff before or join a masterclass or join One of our webinars before, you know I talk about this a lot, and many of you guys have done my courses or even grabbed some of my resources, you would kind of see that that theme running through hopefully. So you again, you've heard it before syllabus textbook. Google Slides death by PowerPoint. writing on the board has its place at points. But application is really important. The kids won't know it if they don't actually apply their understanding to content.
So really practical hands on activities is what we kind of want to say I think, at the CAFS conference, if you were there, shout out who was at the CAFS conference. Quite a few of you. Thank you for joining us that was so nice to be finally face to face, here on the Central Coast in my home area. I think those practical activities that were shared by by Julian Marty and D really brought the CAFS course to life through moving changing doing things together with the kids. Okay, so I've kind of said this already. But the way we do this is really we're taking the content, less on the content more on the application of knowledge. And I think Michelle Skinner has spoken to you guys a lot about this when she first started teaching at her school. I'm sure you're gonna share your your any thoughts around application and what the maybe some of the conversation your your girls were having with you around that around notes.
Audience (3): Um, it seems that now most of the staff at my school, provide a lot of notes in their different subjects. And so when I started, I did a lot of exactly what Kelly said, like applying the skills and doing lots of activities, but I had a few girls really unsettled. And we're just like that, where's Where are my notes, I actually have one girl drop it at the end of year 11, because she just couldn't cope. So I kind of made a sort of a halfway point, and probably kind of half included notes, but always just made sure I had time for application. And at the moment, I'm supporting my colleague in her first year of teaching research methodology. And Kelly, I wanted to say like, I just feel like it's so good doing it the second time. And I keep on saying just trust yourself. Like it'll all come together. And just this week, you can just see the students because everyone applying the IRP, I mean, the research methodology content, right through the IRP, now it's coming together, and it's really nice to see.
Kelly: Pay off. Yeah, but thanks for sharing that. I think, like the kids are so out of it, sometimes just you just want them to trust you. And I think they do take a little while to get there. But I think it's because of our colleagues in other faculties and other K LA's even within our own Kalay that are so we have to get the notes done. We have to have the notes. And yes, they have to get the content, but they have to apply it as well. We know that the HSC. We know that all assessment tasks are not just rote learning. And that's what I love about CAFS, it's not black and white. There are so many different avenues to assess our students. And we see it in the endgame was in in the HSC, that we had questions that have to get the kids to think outside the box. And I think moving away from those notes is no probably a great strategy to move forward. So the kids have to apply their knowledge through different activities, hands on moving around, but they then have to demonstrate their understanding.
Okay, I've taught you this, I've told you this content, we're going to then do it in a practical sense. But you have to demonstrate that you actually understand that content as well. Of course, applying the skills and I mean skills with research skills with analysis, looking at data and looking at patterns, looking at trends, looking at what's kind of coming up for these, but also the skill in writing. You know, again, if you've heard me talk before, you'll know how important writing is for our students. And again, I think many of us, not you guys necessarily, of course. But many CAFS teachers. Many stage six teachers are still getting the kids just to get the content down, but not actually practice writing. And of course as us as educators, we know the importance of formative assessment and actually checking the kids entertained constantly all the way through to make sure they actually get it before we move on new piece of learning that have to connect it together. Before we move to that next point. If you're at the CAFS conference, I didn't get to really unpack my formative assessment session. I would probably like to do a recording on that. But look, if you haven't uncovered a formative assessment, or you forget to check the kids anything all the way through something really simple that we can use.
Again, you guys have heard before, but really drilling hands on effective teaching and learning strategies that really enhance our kids understanding and skills and if you follow the work of black and William, pioneers in formative assessment, it's been around for years and you know, it's kind of a bit of a buzz word. In the last probably 10 years or so. But it's something that really is so crucial to that, that teaching and learning cycle for the, for the kids and for our practice as well. Okay, so the following couple of slides are just some really simple things that you can do to bring the CAFS classroom to life. I don't have instructions as such, but anything physical, so getting the kids to cut this up, literally cut this page up and go, Okay, well, there's just four steps here. But there's really 11 in the syllabus. I always had that last one in it actually.
Okay, submission, you've done it you've handed in? Or you've you know, you've published your research, I suppose, in a sense if they were outside of the classroom, but it's something physical. Okay, let's have a look at it. Let's break it down. And let's physically maybe move around the room. I know Julie at the conference had an activity that was really great, like matching the stages and making sure it was in order, making sure you know what, what was coming first, and look in the exam that kids are never going to be, they won't probably have to say, you know, step one is this step two is this but they might have to kind of work out, well, what happens first, or what does a researcher need to do before they do you know, X, Y and Zed with with their research. Again, something really practical. I shared with a school last week that I was up on the coast was at Gordon High School. And I did something similar to this I sort of cable. In this you actually have PCI, which of those three stages, the planning stage, the conducting and interpreting stage.
Now let's kind of group you guys together in colour, coder and that sort of thing. So again, just practical things too, that have to learn the content, but they have to then practice what that looks like. With sampling, I always kind of show the kids outside of CAFS what sampling looks like. So it's really impossible to do research with everyone. You can't, you can't get every single person in your area or or everyone's data. Obviously, the census in Australia is the best way to do that. And it doesn't have a sample, it gets everyone to provide data, but it's just a small snapshot of what's happening to the wider population. So kind of unpacking that premise, I suppose. And then there are a certain number of sampling methods.
Now these are the main ones that I know I'm not practising what I preach, but these are the main ones that are in the blue Nielsen CAFS textbook. And for some reason they keep coming back into the the exam have been just been these ones. You know this snowball. There's other things that I've never heard of before sampling your sampling. There are lots more to this, but these are kind of the main ones that have consistently been around CAFS for a long time. And again, like you kind of have to ask the researchers who are doing it right now what and how they choose their sample size. Also the sample, which is who's going to represent the wider population with data. three main things with this is our sample size, our sample group, and obviously, the sampling methods. This part's really important. And of course, we didn't have time to unpack every single little thing around sampling, but just showing the kids that connection between reliability, validity, sampling and bias as well. It's really, really important.
Okay, so this was the video I was going to show you guys and these are my revision cards or from my revision cards, really kind of really good visual for the kids. But again, you could do that within the class. If you have a fairly big class. It's great to do it with them. I stupidly tried to do it with like, 60 kids at Catherine McAuley. Down in Sydney at Westmead. It was pretty hectic, but we kind of made it work, but they could visually see okay, well that's been now that's Estrada. Now that's a stratified sample, because they're like a little, they're grouped based on their location or their socioeconomic or not socio status, maybe their, their health or whatever it might be. So that's a really good one too, in a practical sense. Okay, reliability validity, as we mentioned before, getting the kids to kind of connect the stuff on sampling to reliability and validity. So we have our sample size, our sample group, we have some of our main methods. And again, looking at your bias as well. So really showing the kids that these are actually two different concepts. They're not just mash together and call the same thing.
So you guys will have access to all of this. And these are some of the things that inside the CAFS collective, a whole big lot of resources that, you know, when we do a masterclass session like this will kind of do a bit of teaching like this, and you guys will kind of go away with lots of practical activities and ideas to work together. Like I mentioned before sensitive research topics. I know I think when Craig I think when I joined during the school holidays, we're having conversations around these. What are some of those sensitive topics that may need to be avoided or may not provide you with enough data because there hasn't been a research done out there around some certain topics. And I remember I saw but someone was Maybe someone had a bit of a bit of a list of ideas somewhere either in the category at the private Facebook group, or in the Learning Network collaborative Facebook group around topics and and I don't know, if someone said or maybe some of those would be too sensitive, you might not actually find much data or people might not want want to open up with you. Because you guys have kids, I can't remember who it was. But I know that's something to consider. Again, that learn to is around the sensitive nature of certain topics, and how you might actually conduct research around that, especially with that ethical behaviour stuff. Um, little activity again, as you can see, I really like tables and structure and bringing things out here I think just a really good visual. Of course, we could have these presented like a mind map. I just think it kind of sediments and structures, kids information. You guys can can use that for sources of data. Okay, any questions on anything I've just shared or anything that's maybe worked for you in your CAFS classroom or something that you might have done differently this year to bring your CAFS classroom to life and have that practical sense happening.
Anyone want to share? Don't be shy, guys.
Audience Comment: Yeah I'm gonna steal your gummy bears idea Kell.
Kelly: Yeah, of course. Go. Are you gonna have it? Yeah, let's go. So Sour Patch Kids are great. You can get like mini Sour Patch Kids, I don't eat lollies anymore. used to. There's some big ones as well. Like you can get big ones and little ones so they could represent different ages or, or adults and children. I don't know. But they're always like a good physical, a good visual for the kids to say. And then again, obviously using the kids, as you know themselves in the classroom is a good one.
Audience (2): Craig, I just give the kids a little bit of like glad bait, and then they just eat their own and a Ziploc bag. And at the end, they just own their own lollies. Same with like Skittles, for graphing and things like that.
Audience (4): Yeah that's good, thank you.
Audience Comment: It's also online, like spinner and I put all the girls names, you know, and it's, you just press the button and it spins it around. So for random sampling, their name pops up and get goes like when they all clap, and they, they're excited to see their name pop up for the random, the random sample as well.
Kelly: Yeah, that's a really good idea. And I think just just sort of different things to give that variety in the classroom, but also make it really practical for the kids. Again, writing notes and, you know, death by PowerPoint, or Google Slides is, um, gets a bit boring. But again, if you have any practical ideas, pop in the chat, let us know if you weren't the CAFS conference. And we'd like to access the booklets that were distributed. So every every presenter developed a series of either like slides or really comprehensive activities, especially Julie's indeed, their resources. So really, really practical. So you can access those on my website, just in the Resources tab. So the loan forward slash resources. really practical, you kind of get a sense of what what we did. It was so good being there face to face. I can't wait next year. Okay, so recently...
Audience (5): I was just wondering that slide you just had on sensitive research topics. That wasn't in the research methodology booklet. Was that just at the conference? Was it that one?
Kelly: Yeah. This is something that I'll do it for us tonight. So this, some of this stuff is stuff, maybe from a revision book, maybe have tweaked a few things or put some new things in together? This one? Yeah. Haven't this has been nothing cool. So no, I'm just
Audience (5): I'm just flogging your booklet, the research methodology. The tables have been really good. You notice that one? That's good.
Kelly: And yeah, I included this one. I think this one was in there maybe? Or that? I wasn't that almost. Um, that one? I think I added that was Savo. Yeah, I can't remember how I put that one in there. Thanks, Jane, for that sneaky plug. Okay, so what does so we have all these content, so we'd have to bring it to life somehow. But we also have our your living costs that we don't want to forget about. So I know I hear conversations, conversations that people have on Facebook or just with each other around research, things I've heard is like, we didn't have time for those research methods in your living, or we actually didn't do it in your living. We just left it out or really touched on that in your living. I really encourage you guys strongly to actually give it a go in your 11 Give it a good read, hop go give it a crack. Do I even have to do it? It's part of our job to, you know, we've done it, we've registered that. But also for us to get the kids to really think about it to embed those skills, and practice those skills before they get to 12. Would you mind sharing how you guys approach that? And I'm not sure if we still do it like this. But this might be an interesting conversation for some of you guys to see, though. When you guys block it out at the end, you still do that? You leave all the research methods to the end.
Audience (4): Sorry, you keep you keep freezing. But are you talking about the prelim? Sorry, research methods? So we take all the research methods out of each core unit, in prelim and then we teach it as like a mini research methodology section at the end of year 11. And then we go into research methodology in year 12, as their first unit, so it's fresh in their mind.
Audience (2): And how long do you spend on that?
Audience (4): I think it's probably three weeks.
Audience (2): So they do that? And then they go to their exams?
Audience (4): Yes, yeah. Yeah, so we do it right at the end. And because we've the last unit, like we finish, obviously, with families and communities, we still do our literature review stuff on social socialisation. So we still, you know, teach the content. And around the topic, that's versions, we sort of take it out and put it all together at the end.
Audience (6): With the three weeks you've got, do you just merely teach content? Or do you have them conduct interviews and practice the research methods that
Audience (4): We get them to practice. So we're teaching the content and we like so for interviews, we get them to watch certain interview techniques, and we look at, you know, structured and unstructured. And we look at writing questions, like opening closed questions. So we're still teaching the content, but we're trying getting them to practice the skills involved as well.
Audience (6): One thing I've tried is to embed some of those research methodologies in their assessment tasks. Okay. Yeah. And that's helped set them up for you. 12 when it comes to it.
Audience (5): I like Beths idea doing it right at the end, but I intend to, I've switched family and communities to turn to just with Kelly's suggestion, which I found worked really well this year. And then I make them do an interview. And it's like a mini mini IRP. So I get them to do the interviews, I've got to do up the questions. I've got to do analysis and discussion. So it's a real mini IRP, but it gets their ideas, going for year 12, I found that really works well. So keep referring back to that.
Kelly: That's really good sharing, guys, obviously, keep that coming, if any, anything else sparks pop in the chat. And we can obviously chat about at the end as well. So again, like keeping these ideas to ourselves is all well and good. But you know, the power of these sharing together is really, really important. Okay, so we've unpacked what it is. So again, it's five main research methods that we have, have a look at, in your living as well. So bringing those to life in lots of different ways is always a good thing, but also giving it giving it a go. So explicit in your liver in 2012, that practical application is really important. Again, the kids need to really look at that suitability. That's something they again, like I said, the beginning often don't, they kind of don't focus on that. Or they still kind of forget what it looks like in the IRP itself. Something that I came up with at some point. I don't know how long ago but showing the kids that there's all these research methods, but then a really practical way to kind of go, this is what it is, this is what it does. This is how we do it. This is why we do it. Maybe linking to the like the suitability of topics as well. Is a good one. But like I just said, like a one, I suppose like a one pager. This one's a two pager in sense, but just a really good snapshot in some way, shape or form. It could be in a series of Google slides that you print off for the kids or it could be a mind map but what it really looks like for each of those and how they might be similar or different to each other.
Again, advantages limitations to them. That's part of the syllabus. That's part of the learning too, and then linking it back To the ethical behaviours. If you've been with me for a long time, you'd never talk about these. But having connections across the course is why CAFS is so different to other courses, especially like PE especially like food tech, especially crossbow. It's not so black and white, like learn about learn to use the content, we have different concepts that filter through our content. So it's really important for the kids to think about that like learning about, you know, primary research methods method. So like, introduce, well, how does that then enable the researcher to get, you know, qualitative data, say, or what's a good topic that, you know, could be a suitable topic that could could really use questionnaires or interviews, or whatever it might be. So that application is really important. And again, you guys can read GPS, or come up with some other great way to work on this. Okay, quickly go through some nailing stuff for research methodology, especially obviously, in assessment, but also the HSC.
If you guys have been around for a while, you would know talk about peel, as a structure six ETL Sensei, try to make it really streamline across your faculty across your school to make the kids just know, you have to have a clear point, clean, you know, paragraphs that so you and the markers can see that. There it is really easily. Of course, that application, the glossary of key words is so crucial. And many of us experience that very recently of how crucial those marks are, you know, if the kids are just giving us content, three out of six, if the kids are giving us content, four out of eight, you know, they're missing out on crucial marks because they're just regurgitating content and not applying it to the glossary or giving examples as well. So, inside the casket did was spoken about before, but we spoke about suave, Suave, if you are new kaskell active member, you guys can jump back in and have a look at maybe, maybe maybe three masterclasses ago or you can just go in and just literally type in the search bar examples. And everything that any resource have developed for you guys will come up for examples, and it will show you basically what that looks like. It's also in the CAFS playbook, which is another kind of separate document you get with all these acronyms and scaffolds and templates and that sort of stuff. But just basically specific examples really unique. They're applied. They're very, but they're also explicit as well.
Something I really encourage you guys to do this year, and next year, is your exam prep questions that aren't or haven't been enough HSC before. So instead of doing like, pass papers all the time, create new questions, now come up with some new questions for the kids to test themselves on. Look, the HSC exam committee aren't going to use past exam questions ever. They're not allowed to. So coming up with new questions that can actually push the kids is a great way to go. And if you're stuck and not sure. My revision booklets my revision cards strike if you've taken that you have a whole heap of resources in there that you can actually just pull out and there's lots and lots of questions. Again, as I mentioned before, beginning with the end in mind, like we're actually going here, we're working towards the HSC. What do you need to do set the kids up for success? Those of us who are new to CAFS new to HSC. Huge Welcome to but you guys are you guys, I think a privilege to have lots of really great practical things to embed and take action on. Because I think when I first started teaching, I didn't focus much on HSC preparation, I didn't focus on exam stuff. I thought the kids would just learn it, and I would be okay. I didn't teach them a glossary of key words. I didn't certainly didn't practice with them. I didn't break it down. I didn't demonstrate it and, you know, get the big whiteboard out and show them what it looks like looks like. But the kids need to be shown these skills really explicitly. Again, you've heard me talk about this before, but exploring experiencing applying it that content, hands on staff exam skills, as I mentioned before, and again, starting early, like conversations I've had with many teachers is like, I don't have time for his input. I can't do it. I run out of time. You have to make time if you don't do it until trial. So if you don't do it until the HSC course starts, the kids are, you know, four months behind. You need to start even from year seven those skills. But again, that's a whole nother conversation that many of you guys have heard me talk about inside the CAFS collective and other things that you've made. It may have taken. Okay, I'm not gonna read through any of this stuff. But these are some, some exam prep questions that I have to build up for you guys. Some of you might have seen them from the IRP course, again, people are in different spots. So I put them in here but just some practice. Foot ways run far is the way I break down question. So again, if you're in the CAFS collective, you guys would know what that looks like, but just a scaffold, and then some sample answers for you guys. So have a look at, I'm not going to read those because that's pretty boring. But they're there for you guys on those focus areas that we spoke about before. Okay, and I hope big list of new exam prep questions for you guys to unpack and to use, what I really encourage you guys to do is really use situations to get the kids to have a think about and then apply that understanding to that situation. And that's really common for the exam community to do that, you know, Kelly is conducting some research on what should you do or what's a suitable research methods to take on? What could she consider when she does these? What steps does she need to take that type of thing or Hey, she shame him? Whoever is doing that research? That's kind of, you know, something to think about for the kids as well. Um, okay, we're not gonna do this, actually. So I'd love for you guys raise in a chat. And hopefully I can set a chat in the set, but I would love for you to write down one. One thing that you like, Yep, I'm doing that literally tomorrow. Or one thing that I'm doing next week with your CAFS crew, so pop in the chat for me, I still can't see the chat. So once I stopped sharing, I'll hopefully be able to say it but pop down one thing that you're going to work on with your kids. So Craig, you've got your, your jelly beans or your Sour Patch Kids idea. Some of you guys might be thinking about some practical ways to do writing, or possibly, maybe an actual physical activity to teach you how to do an interview, or how to really learn about the suitability of research methods. Pop it in the chat for me, let me know and I'll have a read of it in a sec. I still can't see it.
And if you have any questions, of course in a second, I'll get you guys to to unmute yourself and ask those questions. So many of you guys are also in the CAFS collective. So this year has been really an absolute blessing. I feel I love my Thursday nights with you guys. I know I've said that. I've been a bit of a nerd to love it so much. But to have literally 25 of you. I think it is in here who wants to learn and want to do some really great things with a CAFS crew. It's really exciting. And there are some of us who can't get here every week and there's no you don't have to be here. You can come wait through you can come week nine or you can literally watch all the recordings back. We do have a lot of CAFS collective members do that. So the CATHOLICTV is my CAFS membership and videos for 12 months we have our masterclass sessions week three, six and nine. And we have guest experts that's going to build next year with some other sessions and things for for you guys, especially getting experts coming in and talking to us about different things like community services and government organisations that type of thing.
When you join the CAFS collective you also get access to the CAFS conference. school does have to pay for your access. But you can't you've kind of got like a reserved seat already. But you also have an exclusive dinner with the CAFS collective members. And I don't know about you guys were there but it was just something pretty special. There was quite a few emotional people on the night wasn't there, Jen? It was. It was just there was a lot of emotion, a lot of emotion at that dinner, but it was really nice and look to have to have this this community is a complete blessing. I really love it. So if you are interested in joining us, the Catholic team is open for renewal if you're a current member and you joined last year, but also if you would love to just join a whole heap of other CAFS teachers who love CAFS like we do. The CAFS membership is my favourite way to support you guys and look. But online learning is great. Like you know, there's a course you can click on it and whatever. But look, having this and being able to talk to everyone is really cool as well. You also get 10% off all of my resources, if that's something that interests you guys, but all the detail tells that I'm in here. And if you kind of do your little QR code, you can see what everything that's involved in it. But ongoing support for me over the next 12 months. But also joining the CAFS community is is pretty special. So again, if you would like any more details around that, let me know. Jesse's wonderful and Jesse's super efficient on my email. So if you'd like it in town centre school, you can do that end. Look. It's super simple and just thought you guys out. Okay, um, questions, questions. Does anyone have any questions about research or something? They're thinking of? Something that's lit a spark and like, yeah, I want to try that or we've been focusing on something else in the past.
Audience (4): I just wanted to ask a question about when you're doing the IRP. And you said to use more than one sample method what method. What other methods? Would you use other than convenience? Like, because we've got such a short time frame for the students? What other one would you suggest them trying to do as a sample method, like as your, yeah.
Kelly: Sampling method. But I would, I would always encourage the kids to do some stratified sampling. So they kind of, like they know what that looks like, not just just focus on maybe their area or show them like, Okay, we're going to use, say, for example, we don't really use convenience, because let's face it, they're 1718, they don't have 1.5 $1.82 million worth of money or resources around. But you can show them what stratified looks like how we're gonna use our school, our seven to 12 school, each of our army groups are the strata, that's the strata, you 7080 90 and blah, blah, blah, okay, within that, we might then use some maybe systematic sampling, we might use, you know, if you're doing some sort of research or a questionnaire, let's kind of hand it out to, you know, the, I don't know, every fifth person or something in a homeroom, or in a roll call something like that. So kind of, they might not, they still might use convenience a lot. But they might actually think, bigger picture of what that kind of looks like within their own context or within their own, you know, environment, if that makes sense. Yeah, no, that's great. That's, that's something off the top of my head quickly. Does anyone have any other ideas about what they've tried?
Audience (5): I often use like, convenience and random because you convenience. I always choose my students at school. And I always say to them, right, yeah. What's the disadvantage of that? And then they say, Well, your actual sample group is just our school. So really, we should get a variety. So say radio, in your conclusion, you've got to make sure you write down all the mistakes we do. And I say, we do these mistakes and say you learn from them. Like even though that's not what we do it because it's got short of time. And then I just go random, like you might have used sevens, so they're randomly chosen. Even though we need 10 Girls, 10 boys, they're randomly selected as such.
Kelly: Yeah great idea Jane.
Audience (2): I've done a volunteer, which, which isn't ideal, because they're both not great sampling methods, but we just put QR codes on the polls in the school. And the kids can just do it when they go past or when they're waiting at the canteen or
Audience (5): When you do that electronically, do you all use Google Forms? How do you use it?
Audience (2): Yeah, yeah, so Google Forms, but I found that I have to create the form. So then I can stop the entries, and then I can share it with the class. If I'm if we're going to do a teacher directed one. Yeah.
Audience (5): Because I still do old school where they hand out the questionnaires. They've got to count it, draw it up themselves. But I've got a good cohort, I can do that. But I just when I was just fiddling with them in the forum, so you had seven to 11 for different age groups. When it collided it, it didn't separate the age groups and boys and girls, so
Audience (2): I actually, thing you can't find the trends.
Audience (5): Yeah, I just thought I might have been doing something great. And to my amazement, the kid said, Oh, no, it doesn't split it up. We'll do it. I just went, are you serious? Are you thinking what you're doing? But anyway, it
Audience (2): was good. You must have a great class, I can't get it. I don't not not really into it. Let me just say that.
Audience (7): I look at what year groups are on the same line as us and plan in advance, I'm like, Okay, we're going to conduct the questionnaire on like, Friday, week three, or whatever. And then we look at the timetable for the whole school, and then go through and then do sampling that way, looking at the different year levels, so that we've got like two classes of year 10, to have your nine to have your eight so on, and go that way.
Audience (7): We also we also use our Google Classroom for each year group, if it's appropriate. And just pop a post in you know, the usual we're doing this for our app, blah, blah, blah. So rat completely random that way and we do the home group one. But I am renowned for running around classrooms with them going quick. We need some kids scan this QR code, get on with the survey.
Kelly: Really good idea. Anyone else got anything interesting.
Audience (6): I had a girl running, running out of time when she was wanting to do interviews and she realised she couldn't do interviews with individuals so she organised an interview panel. And it was really good problem solving on her behalf and she got so much data she recorded it so she could go back and hear all of the different individuals and actually encourage each other on the panel, one person to say one thing that gives us an idea. So it provoked more conversation. And she got a lot of data, a lot of rich data in about half an hour.
Kelly: That's really cool.
Audience (6): Yeah, she sort of pioneered a technique by default, they I wouldn't have suggested that to the students. But I tell them all now that what one of their predecessors did
Kelly: So good.
Audience (8): There's always using your parents friends Facebook page, workspace pass around, I get a bit sick of filling in herbs for people on the northern beaches. But hey, you just do it because you know, you have to. Yeah.
Audience (3): Kelly is something that just a question to everyone, would you all consider sharing your research focus, you're doing the IRP? Or you've done the last few years? So we can have a bank of topics or or hypotheses of that?
Kelly: Yeah, great. Let's do that on our public. But I'll get Joseph pop a question in the Facebook group. And we can then put it underneath that. And look, I think, as I said before, don't go too broad. But don't go too narrow, you kind of want to get enough secondary data. I know, sometimes we're a little bit too narrow, I think I couldn't, I didn't have control. This part was job sharing me someone they kind of had started it. And so we're all we're doing the impact of social social media on mental health. For adolescents, I'm like, Okay, this is great. And we couldn't find any secondary research just based on that. So we kind of then had to kind of broaden it out a tiny little bit to talk about, you know, sleep and that type of thing. So you want it to be enough. But you also don't want to be too kind of narrow that you don't have enough data.
Audience (5): Does everyone just always choose my option, like I'm doing technology, and how it's got a case study at the end of it, I always make my opponents teach directed, the kids have got to choose something from there. So then we can link it into the option. And then we're teaching the content in a way like they can refer back to that when they're teaching the option. I always do that for now in the last couple of years, and I found that worked well.
Audience (6): Yes, I'm wrestling with that one at the moment, Jane. And I haven't really nailed it. Last year, we looked at yondr pouches, because our school brought them in, we wanted to see what the impact of yondr pouches was on students use of phones. But there was all sorts of issues with with kids being honest, whether they use the underpants or not, they didn't want to get caught. So I'm gonna try and angle back in on the case study this year, but it mentions well being. So it's pretty broad, but they had to narrow it down. So sort of challenged with what topic to pick from the case study.
Audience (5): When I like when I look at, say social impact of technology, you've got reasons factors and impact on lifestyle and well being. I've sometimes then got those subheadings in the syllabus, and I've thrown them up on the board. And I've got the children to choose. So I might go right to privacy and safety, or whether it might be things like factors affecting access, like the mobile phones, I believe you're talking about age geographical location, because we're in the bush, and then bring it back to other questions that have been like analyse the impact of technology on interpersonal relationships within families. So then we can put that back into the mobile phones, and then they can relate that back when they're doing practice crawls and HFCs, if that makes sense. So then I narrow it down for them. And then also ready are your groups doing education? So they've got a look up different things in there, some might be doing sleep, and we've got four groups, and then they burst in those areas to do their literature review of makeup, their questionnaires, if that makes sense.
Audience (6): Yeah, does I've thought about that Bonnie got three girls this year, but I was looking at the touch point, what impact has the technology had politically, economically and socially and I was thinking of sending the girls individually to get data on each of those three things. But again, that might be too broad of a topic.
Audience (5): Yeah, it might be a bit big for just one student on each of those depending if you've got hard working girls that don't get on task as such.
Kelly: Something I also also did just before I left was I had two classes and I strategically looked through past HSC questions and kind of went okay, I want to do it on the option because I've seen that you know, my own research my the impact that it had on my student results by Bri that option in early, connecting it with the IRP. So that's the first kind of stage. And then when I came when I'd focus on that piece of technology, so the piece of technology doesn't have to be a physical thing. It can be cloud based technology. It can be communication technology, it doesn't have to be, you know, physical, tangible item. So then focus on smartphone I actually checked, we change upon devices, actually. And then I went into the syllabus, like what you said, Craig, but actually focused on really a really small, like, really small area, I think one year, or the last year I did it was, I think the parliament that says health and medicine, so we went health. And then I think we spoke about maybe physical activity or something like that. Another one was about work life balance with, you know, ICT and that type of thing. So I kind of went well, what's a question that haven't hasn't really been focused in the HSC? before?
Audience (2): Yeah, I've done the work life balance and interpersonal relationships. And then this year, I was going to do issues, but I waited to the HSC because it hadn't been examined for six years. So I was like, if that is not a misuse, pay for her. That's what I'm doing. So tracked all the HSC questions for the last six years. Yeah.
Kelly: Okay, any other questions about anything related to IRP or research or general things? Is that you're not doing IRP, this term? You're not Craig? What do you what are you guys doing?
Audience (6): A, we've got a really short term, so I decided not to try to push it. I'm going to do it term one gives me a bit of a running over the holidays to plan it. So we're doing parenting and caring. Research Methodology, social impact, and then groups and
Kelly: Good, good. Alright, anyone else? Any other questions?
Audience (8): Question off topic? Yeah. When do you reckon we're going to get the new syllabus?
Kelly: I had a conversation with someone about this before because pas up the rotation 2025 Yeah, I won't do that to the PT faculty. So those of us who are in PE not made like you guys. I think it's too much pressure on PHP faculty and that sort of thing. So I think it was it's all that it's all kind of been up for review for a little while and the reforms and stuff but there's been I haven't had a conversation with anyone from NASA about it, but they wouldn't do it to PE yet because it's under the PE faculty. So I reckon I think we'll see anything before maybe 2028. But you never know that. You want to give people a bit of a breather a bit of a space, you know, with health and movement with child studies and paths, you know, kind of coming through here CAFS a bit of a break but it you know the syllabus has been like this for for a while now. So it doesn't.
Audience (6): So it is consultant in on Tuesday to talk to our PE faculty and I asked the question about the CAFS syllabus. And she said what you just said that it's going to be no sooner than 2026 Seven will likely 27 She's She also mentioned that they'll probably swap the category of age groups around again. And then sabihin another category I they might leave us there. Yeah. But replace some others just to rotate them.
Kelly: Yeah, look it because of COVID and HSC reforms. It was meant to be rotated years ago but I think because all that happened. It's just thrown everything out of whack. I I was in contact with someone from SR. Halfway through last year. And they were meant to have been this year but yeah, different roles. Yeah, it hasn't happened yet, but I think they'll leave us alone for a bit.
Okay, any questions any other questions about anything? I'm Kendall has asked a question do you order teacher directed or teacher facilitated IEP? So student centred is kind of the official buzzword or teacher facilitated? Show of hands who does teacher facilitated? Okay, those of you who can't see maybe do a thumbs up if you do. Yeah, it looks like a lot of people do. Kendall do you have a question about teacher facilitated?
Audience (9): Just that we do compressed so it's really jammed in. So I'm feeling like, teacher facilitated is going to be much easier to do in that timeframe. Yeah, yeah. Yep. Would people agree with that? Yeah. Yeah.
Kelly: Yeah, Game Changer Kendall, game changer. You love it. And if you want a course that shows you how to do it it's it just it just when I was a kid to have so much less pressure, it's worth 20%. It's just another assessment task. Bigger than Ben Hur. The kids have so many other assessments that take away their time. And, you know, as I said, Before, I saw my niece's IRP and they say on paper, they're doing a teacher facilitated IEP, but they've done every single part. And the kids have to do every single part individually, so and get assessed every single part individually. I don't know. It's like Craig said it's only worth 20%. Max, Max 20%. Yeah, marking and half differently. I think we've, we've compressed because there's a few of you. I'm Kendall so in the CAFS collective. We had Elise, we have ash, we have Nikki bignault from Nowra. I think there's maybe one other I think, you know, if there was if you kind of are thinking of doing something around IRP teacher facilitated? Yeah, we will you won't know any different because you haven't done it before. But um, yeah, very big change. Um, thank you for your question. Kendall. Anyone else? I've got the timekeeper is me. 915. So again, um, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Thank you to our CAFS collective members, especially the new ones who joined recently. But all of our guests thank you for joining us tonight. You know, masterclass. So, this is typically what we do. We have 45 minutes of kind of bit of learning from me. And then he from me for a bit and then we kind of open it up and you get to ask any question you want about anything related to CAFS.
Thanks for joining The Learning Network, I'd love to hear what connected with you most about today's episode. Take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram and Facebook, @thelearnnet. If you'd like to know more about my courses, MasterClasses, Coaching and Mentoring and Membership, you can DM me over on Facebook or Instagram or head to Don't forget to stay connected by subscribing to Apple Podcasts or Spotify, and if you love today's episode, I would be so honoured if you could please leave me a review. See you again next week. Let's continue to connect, grow and learn together to make a huge impact on the students we teach.
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Community and Family Studies.

I acknowledge and pay my respects to the
traditional custodians on whose land I walk, work & live.
This land was and always will be the land of the First Nations People.