Are you stuck for ideas to work with your Year 11 Community & Family Studies students? 

Want to make every lesson count with your Year 11 CAFS Crew?

In today's Podcast episode, we chat about what you can do to make meaningful connections from the Year 11 Community & Family Studies course to Year 12 Community & Family Studies content.

I walk you through the Year Community & Family Studies course to show you where you can link to Year 12 content strategically to maximise students' results and success in our course. Let's face it, we only have seven terms with our CAFS Crew and we want to make EVERY.SINGLE.LESSON count! 

Show Notes 

Looking for more ideas? You will find countless teaching and learning ideas plus mapping documents inside my Year 11 Community & Family Studies Course. 

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Hello, and welcome back to The CAFS podcast. This is episode number 49. And today we're going to chat about strategic ways that you can connect your Year 11 Community and Family Studies content with your Year 12 Community and Family Studies content. Because if we set our kids up for success right from the very beginning, like day.of, their journey, it's going to make a huge impact on how they learn the content they connect with, but also the strategic connections that they can make from the Year 11 Year 11 Community and Family Studies content to the Year 12 Year 11 Community and Family Studies content. 

Now remember, we only have seven terms with them to get them through to the HSC. That's really important that every single lesson counts. Every single lesson is purposeful. And every single lesson has some sort of connection to what we're setting up for. And that's the end game. That's the HSC. And I think when I first started teaching Community and Family Studies, I didn't see that bigger picture. I know certainly, I just took the content. I had the syllabus, the textbook, and that was about it. I would Google things late at night or take the textbook to bed. And I didn't really see that connection from the Year 11 course to the Year 12 Community and Family Studies course. 

Now things look different back then. So I started teaching Community and Family Studies in 2004. And our syllabus wasn't amended until 2013. At that point, we started to see a really big shift in our course, we started to see really big connections from the Year 11 Community and Family Studies to the Year 12 Community and Family Studies course. And that was done on purpose. I was not part of the syllabus amendment writing team. I did present professional learning across New South Wales. I think I did five sessions actually, about the year 11 and 12 course and how those changes were made. So I wasn't part of the writing team. But I certainly know of those writers. And that was done really purposefully. They actually looked at the syllabus and said, Okay, where can we make really strategic connections across the course, to make this course really purposeful for the kids, but also for the kids to be really guided by some content that they're going to use in Year 12 Community and Family Studies as well. 

So if you're teaching your Year 11 Community and Family Studies class at the moment, and you're probably halfway through Resource Management, I know a lot of Community and Family Studies teachers really flick through that a lot, they fly through it. And I'd really encourage you guys to just slow down, slow down with resource management, because a lot of the stuff in resource management has a really big impact on the use, of course, and those really big picture skills I call them are going to appear time and time again from that first unit of work. Now I know that someone I don't know who said to some teachers at some point to actually not start with Resource Management, you have to, you have to start with Resource Management. It's a foundational unit of work for the whole course, those core concepts that we use time and time again, are in that unit of work. So please make sure you start with resource management. And look, you can change up the other two. 

If I was developing an ideal scope and sequence and I have for my Year 11 Community and Family Studies course, I would actually go resource management, families and communities and then individuals and groups. The reason for this is that individuals and groups doesn't have a whole heap of connection to Year 12. And a lot of the content is actually from your seven to 10 PDHPE, which isn't ideal. A lot of those concepts are doubled up things like power, things like leadership, communication, I don't know like it's, I don't get lit up by that unit of work, I'm sorry, writing team, but I just don't feel it.

I also believe that it is quite short, although it has lots of points in terms of, you know, dash points, but when you look at it, the loan tos and the actual content that we're teaching the kids isn't very extensive. So that's one reason for me to actually move that. The other reason for moving families and communities is because it has some really heavy contents and more extensive content, higher order thinking. If you look at the Learn tos, you'll see that a lot of them are, you know higher order verbs. We also have some, you know, some things that the kids really have to really put their mind to for that unit of work. And those strategic connections are certainly there for you 12. So today we're gonna unpack some of what some of those things look like. And I don't think I've shared this very openly with many Community and Family Studies teachers before so if you're in The CAFS Collective, we did a session on this last year. A very, I think an early session on this when I first started the membership, so that was something that are offered there. And I do include this. You know, when I join schools in my Coaching & Mentoring ask look, we just want to do things differently in Community and Family Studies, can you have a look at our programmes? Can you have a look at our scope and sequence? Can you do a bit of an audit of what we're doing? I always recommend to go into the syllabus and to make these strategic connections. Because if you don't know you've never taught it before, or if you haven't seen those connections, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. So the way we're going to unpack this is we're actually going to look through each of the syllabus points and I'm going to kind of give you a bit of an indication as to where that might link to you to have content. So get your pen and paper handy. Grab out your laptop, because we're going to go through this strategically.

Obviously, I'm recording this. So you can't see me, I would love to share my screen, but I can't. That's the power of this technology that you get to listen to me. So, have fun with that. If you have any questions about this or if you want to say this in practice, I have a whole course that enables you to do that. So the is where you want to go for a course that is going to give you lots of new ideas, hundreds of new ideas to teach your your living kids to make strategic connections across a course to really embed some of those big picture thinking those higher order concepts where our kids and to really set our kids up for success. As I said, you're living so important and I think a lot of people don't start those foundational skills and knowledge because they want to fly through it or they think it's meant to be really fun and watch movies and do lots of hands on activities. And that's all well and good. But if you're focusing on movies if you're focusing on the fun aspects you're going to really you're going to I don't know probably not set the kids up for success because they get a false sense of security of the course you know if you're doing all these fun activities and it is quite rigorous then you're taking away from that and no there still schools out there who are watching Happy Feet, Pursuit of Happiness, Castaway, Remember the Remember the Titans, Mean Girls. Look I'm sorry team but they're not in the courts, like they're not in the course show snippets of real life show snippets of documentaries, depicting some of these concepts. You know, you could even show things like, you know, Turia Pitt's TEDx talk, or Dylan Alcot's TEDx talk, you know, things like that, that actually have Australians in the docuumentary because that's our context. Our syllabus isn't about America isn't about England, it's about the Australian context. So using those, but also, it's real life anyway.

Okay, so let's unpack wellbeing well being is the umbrella of our course, most of our content, links back to this, you would know that like you, that's 101 Like you hopefully know that. But what it also does, it has a really big impact on the tool, of course, especially the option the kids need to nail wellbeing and look, most kids can recall wellbeing they can give us examples about the factors affecting well being and each of those underneath that, they might be able to recall what's the opposite to wellbeing? Well, it's illbeing like it's not that hard.

But what we really need to look at is learn to in the column, analyse the relationship between the factors and explain how they can impact on wellbeing. This point is absolutely crucial. And if you skim this, the kids are going to be disadvantaged because this is one of the connections across into the option. As I've said to you guys before, the option is a game changer in Community and Family Studies. Our kids aren't achieving the HSC results that they want that you want. Because we're not doing this well enough in Year 11. And we're skipping it in Year 12. And a lot of people aren't focusing on it. Now look, I know that when I teach them some of these things, some of you guys might go, Oh, she just didn't know at all.

I am  getting on my high horse again. But I'm doing this from a really good place because I know what it takes to get good results in the HSC. I've been Community and Family Studies HSC Marker since 2007. I was a judge at one point, I think 2009 I presented you know Community and Family Studies for the best part of 12 years. But I also was a supervisor of HSC marking for Community Family Studies from 2018 to 2022. I've seen it all. I've seen what it takes to get good results in Community and Family Studies. I've seen what it takes for our kids to get those Band four, fives and sixes that we want. And I've seen what it takes to not do that. Well, I see what the kids do. And I know like I know, straightaway what kids are not doing in their responses. And I also know what some teachers are still not doing. And it's because you don't know you don't know this, you don't know the importance of this. So that point about analyse the relationship between the factors, that is really crucial for the option. In the option, you need to link back to wellbeing for the 15 marker for the Option for 15 marker because of the rubric, our kids need to link back to wellbeing in every single paragraph. And what our kids aren't doing still is making those strategic connections between the concepts. So if we're talking about technology, issues associated with technology, whatever it is that content this significantly, so having that that value judgement, they significantly impacts the physical wellbeing of individuals, because they might be more sedentary as a result of using their devices all the time. This also has a significant impact on the emotional wellbeing as it blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's where that connection is it's really important that the kids are making strategic connections between the concepts.

It's between the aspects of wellbeing. So we have six factors affecting wellbeing specs or specs is our acronym. And what I want you to do in class, really strategic strategically, is show the kids how there's emotional impact economic, how does economic impact cultural, physical and social, spiritual and cultural. So that's what that connection is analyse the relationship between the factors. That's what we need to do. So in my Year 11 Community and Family Studies Course I show you guys that I give you multiple resources to do that. And if you have my your living resource booklet, you might have seen maybe a couple of hints that that but look in my Year 11 Community and Family Studies Course I show that really strategically. 

Okay, so there's the first one then we have needs and once once on in the rest of the course, which is good about I know, Maslow's isn't in their mess. Funny thing about Maslow's a lot of Community and Family Studies teachers like old school, Community and Family Studies teachers debated, or they kind of wanted that to be included in the syllabus because it's of its history. And when the syllabus was brought out, the changes that were suggested was, we want Maslow in there. And because the syllabus writing team didn't actually have Maslow in there, so that's an interesting one. I kind of do like Maslow's hierarchy of needs. But I don't know that relevancy. Again that's debatable. Anyway, needs is definitely in in the rest of the core. So need, it has really big connection to groups and context, like when we go to groups and contacts, and you can do that. So on page 15, is Resource Management. And then if you skip to, and I'm actually doing this live, so if you skip to page 31, you'll see that the satisfaction of needs are the same.

Same needs for for the group, so that the kids have to justify the two most significant needs for each group, and discuss implications if these are not met. So it's really important that you teach needs correctly, you teach needs really well, so the kids understand it, and they can see that connection through to Year 12 Community and Family Studies. So what I do with that one is I actually give my kids lots of different individuals to talk about the Learn to says, describe each of the specific needs and compare the significance of each different individuals. So we actually talk about people with disabilities, I talk about youth, I talk about homeless people, I talk about rural and remote, I talk about LGBTIQ talk about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. I talk about a lot of the groups and I include those in my case studies my scenarios in the activities I do with the kids. And so they automatically know that those needs that we talked about in your 11 are the same needs that we talked about in your 12 that she sees needs the same needs, we're going to then compare the most significant needs for you 12. And I start to talk about that in your 11. Again, in my Year 11 Community and Family Studies course, I show you guys what this looks like. 

So using tables, if you look, if you have a lot of my resource booklets, you would know that I like tables, it just auto this is the way my brain works. I'm not sure if it if it helps anyone else. But I like to see it visually, I like to see those connections across those concepts through a table. Some people like my nap, some people like post it notes or whatever. But for me tables are a really great cognitive tool to get our kids to look at the content and look at those connections across the content. So I have some tables and stuff in the irrelevant course that will help you with that. But those needs come up again, again, and again. I think there's a few other connections across into the 12 course and actually have a whole document that that actually maps these connections. So when you're teaching in your 11 you can make those connections across to the tool, of course, as you're doing it, rather than, you know, scrambling away or waiting until you know you've taught it for like five or six times. Yeah, ah hang on that actually connects to there, you know, for you 12 I show you what I how it connects in Parenting & Caring the roles of parents and carers so PBS so peanut butter sandwich, providing a well being building positive relationship, satisfying the specific needs, the kids need to know the needs there. The needs are the she sees needs that we learn in your living. Again, making that strategic connection across to the Year 12 Community and Family Studies course, it's really important that you make this so clear to the kids that you are providing them with really engaging hands on activities to help them actually understand these concepts. Because often when our kids kind of learn the content, it goes in one ear out the other and if they're not applying their content, then they don't really have a good understanding of what we're covering. I think there might be another connection to needs.

In Individual's and Work the first still point is reasons people work to meet specific needs. There we go, the kids actually have to learn know that they learn to describe how work can contribute to the satisfaction of specific needs, and compare and contrast the needs that are met through paid and unpaid work. So it's really important that when we're teaching that needs stuff at the beginning in Year 11, in resource management, we're making it really clear for the kids. Okay, goal setting, it is been done to been done a lot. So that's, that's filtered through the course in different aspects, but specific resources human looked at the funny thing is that human and non human in itself isn't repeated again, like those two categories. But human needs are definitely mentioned again, especially in groups and contexts. So if you have looked at groups in context, you would see that we look at we look at those resources. So we have our big list of a result resources. So we have factors affecting access to services. Within that we have car so cars are acronym. And then we have we have our resources so camped, or Kmart can't lie. I don't know. However you remember these acronyms. Remember them, but KMET one of the Community and Family Studies teachers I was working with Norm actually suggested that one to me. So KMET stands for knowledge, energy, money and time, that's where resources comes up again. And then I think maybe again, in possibly individuals, and work maybe in technology.

Yeah, so it does come up in technology, again, under the job point of reasons for the development of technology, consumer demand and human needs. So that's really important there. And then we have a look at that in work as well. So that's resources.

What else in the relevant for that first unit of work. So don't forget, each of these are the research methodologies, brain, brain fart, there are various research methodologies are embedded into each of the year living units of work, if you haven't seen that, you have to really strategic strategically teach them do it will make your life easier, because when you come back to it to do resource, research methodology, the kids who want to have that really good understanding of it already, interchangeability, and sustainability doesn't come up again. It possibly kind of like we could filter it through Social Impact of Technology, but not a whole big impact.

Values and past experiences done does come up again, in terms of Parenting and Caring, and the factors affecting sorry, factors influence the availability of an access to resources comes up again, for social impact of technology, where we look at that. Now the next big one is access to support. I love this part of the course, looking at formal and informal support through relatives, friends, neighbours, family, and then government agencies and community organisations, this is a really big one. And some of you guys might be up to this at the moment, I want you to really go into this Ito, of course, and see where it comes up again. And again, you'll notice that part of the syllabus comes up again, when we talk about families and communities, one of the dot points in families and communities. And finding this is literally about that. So we have the same thing, the same dot point types of support. Here we go. 

In formal informal support, investigate how informal and formal support assists families, I think it's meant to say that there's a typo there actually assists families to manage change. So again, it comes up like it's really important that that's the second connection. The third connection is in families, in authorities in Parenting and Caring. There is a whole big section right at the end of the syllabus, where we look at support for parents and carers. We have types of support, same dot point, guys, informal and formal support, but they learn to explain how different types of support can assist parents and carers to prepare for their roles, fulfil their responsibilities, maintain their own well being. And then the next point underneath that is just focusing on formal support. So actually, it also connects to the stuff on our groups in context, when we look at types of services. So when you teach it in your living, what you can do is actually make that strategic connection right there. And then when you're going to talk to the kids about formal and informal support, in Parenting, Caring, focus on some of those ones that you're going to introduce it, the kids are there, but teach it in your living, introduce it in year 11. So the key is really know it. Have a look at the services that you're going to talk about in groups and context, introduce those in your 11 course also in our Family and Societal Interactioms unit. If you teach that option, only about 3% of the state do that is very minimal. But there's also a huge chunk of that through childcare support, through support for the age through support for the families, that that really strategically connects to the year living course. So with that stuff on support, you can be really meaningful and purposeful with what you do. 

Again, in my Year 11 Community and Family Studies course, I show you guys those connections and give you guys some scaffolds and some templates and some tables to make those connections across the course. But that's another really big one. And I love that part of the syllabus that kids get to know about different support services out in our community. And please don't use American based ones we are teaching in Australia, we are teaching in New South Wales. And what I suggest for teachers to do is come up with unique and varied examples. So you know, typical ones might be Vinnies. Or I don't know, like Red Cross that type of thing, but come up with different ones like Orange Sky Laundry, or one of your local services, MacKillop Family Services. I know I often would focus on that one in Blacktown when I worked in black town. And then when we got to the coast, when we moved up to the coast, to my senior students, I would teach them about the ko shelter. So Coast Shelter is an organisation in Gosford and Woy Woy. And so my kids would stand out from the crowd, they wouldn't you know, when a mark is marking their work, they would say that they have different examples and not just, you know, like everyone else. So it's really important for the kids to have what I call suave examples. Now, if you're in The CAFS Collective you, you'll know what they mean. But SUAVE is looking at really specific examples. Unique. S stands for applied, they're actually applied to the actual question, we also have variety. So they're not just the same type of service, say, or support for this one. So a lot of the kids might go the charitable organisation, because they look a lot, a lot of the time, they're in the media, so they might go Red Cross. And what's another one, Red Cross, Vinnies, Anglicare, or something like that. They're in the media a little bit. So Mission Australia, they're all very similar. Because they're charitable organisations. We want the kids to have a variety of different organisations within those examples. So that's a really big one there. And then the essential explicit, they're actually really explicit examples. So if you're talking about support for parents, they're really explicit examples Karitane, Tresillian, Raising Children's Network.

You know, they're more specific to that rather than general ones. Like, they might say, Oh, yes, and video support families, do they do but they're, it's kind of families in in general, it's not parents and carers. Anyway, I hope you understand what I mean by that. Okay, let's get back to the syllabus. Okay, we then have personal management skills, or PMS, that does come up again, in individuals and groups. And, look, I don't love this part of the course, I'm gonna be really honest, it's a lot of stuff that we do in your 7 to 10 PDHPE on decision making, communication, problem solving. It's a little bit dry, I'm sorry. But what I do, what I do, hopefully try to do well is the stuff on the learn in the Learn to, so having a whole bunch of scenarios to help the kids to apply it to their understanding of the course. But also, I spent a lot of time on on this stuff about gender. So gender comes up quite a lot. Gender comes up in Individuals and Work, it comes up in individuals in groups, I think it also comes up in Parenting and Caring, there's a really big drop point on that. So actually make strategic connections there. So you need to look at that, like when you're looking at the syllabus, look at what you need to focus more on and less on. Things to do with like planning and organisation communication, decision making problem solving, it's been done to death, like our kids know it really well for me seven to 10 pe and probably even in primary school. So focus on the big picture concepts that are going to make that really big connection across the course. Okay, the next one is on strategies for effective resource management you want to do this well but don't spend a whole heap of time on going through the ins and outs. It does come up again in you know, in other parts of the course managing resources more effectively, that type of thing I think it's in individuals and work a little bit and also in families and communities. So again, just just work out where what you're gonna focus on of course, the last part is on interviews you want to do this well. Don't skip it. You need to do that really well for the kids to get a good understanding. 

Okay, now let's get to Individuals and Groups. This episode is going longer than I thought. So bear with me team. I'm looking at types of groups and looking at reasons for group formation. There's a whole heap of dot points there. But there's not a whole heap of content, if you know what I mean. So there's dot points. There's lots of examples, but not a whole heap of learn tos that actually the kids have to really uncover. So you'll see that the syllabus is later on. There's nothing about groups again, like why groups form the types of groups, there's nothing about that again. And what I really dislike I'm sorry, again, syllabus team is that the roles adopted by individuals and groups are different to the roles for parents and carers. I think that's really confusing for the kids. They learn about the roles here in Year 11 for in this unit of work, so in Individuals and Groups, but then it's different for Families and Communities, that's really confusing for the kids. So I just skip that because I say, Hey, guys, you're gonna learn about this in Families and Communities, it's different here to what it is, in the next unit of work. I think that's a bit confusing for the kids norms, conformity and cohesiveness, I link back to gender again, so make that strategic connection there. And then factors that contribute to the role that they adopt personal factors and social factors. 

You can link to stuff on parenting there, because we talk about PS, personal factors, social factors, of course, observation is in there. So you want to do that well. Look, again, stuff that we kind of doing in 7 to 10 PDHPE, so stuff on power on leadership, like it's been done a lot. Let me finish with our case study, which I want you guys to make sure you're doing well, but you're looking at, you're looking at secondary case studies, not one that you physically do yourself. And then we have conflict and conflict resolution. So again, this is all stuff that's done in you 7 to 10. 

Okay, last one is Families and Communities and I will teach you second, like I said, the beginning definitions are very light on obviously, it's lower order. It's regurgitation. It's lower order content, family structures, I want you to do that well. So FASS is our acronym for types of parents. So foster, adoption, step parents aren't actually in this list, it's not a structure, and then we have surrogacy as well. So look, again, I would have liked to see maybe a bit more of a connection there. But that's okay. PBS do that really well, for the roles. So the roles individuals are developed within families, because it's the same for parents and carers, which is great. 

And then then we kind of go through stuff on communities. And even though I like this part of the course, there's not a whole heap of connection across to the Learn to of course, so again, don't like don't spend too too much time on it. Of course, questionnaires are in there, that's really important to get the kids to know that well.

But like the levels of like, community organisation, no, that's not in their decision making communities like with all that legal stuff, like influences, like lobbying, arbitration consensus, fly through that, because it keeps you I need to know a whole heap of that, yes, I need to know the content, you need to teach it well, but there aren't any connections across the Year 12 Community and Family Studies course. Okay. And then we finish on stuff around changing families and communities. So the nature of change, and I really love that part of the course. Because Because Because sorry, Mr. Ed, quote, there, I think it also connects to the 12 Parenting and Caring course, the impact of change, not a whole heap. But you might link back to the social impact of technology there. It gave me how Types of Support stages have a lifespan that's not not, again, in our Utah, of course, but certainly, literature reviews are and socialisation is certainly going to have a big impact on the course because Because Because again, because we like to that in the stuff on gender and expectations in the Learn to of Parenting and Caring part of the course, I think a little bit in families, Family and Societal Interactions for the Option. 

So look, I hope today has provided you with some really good connections across the Year 11 into Year 12 Community and Family Studies course, and I want you to really think about what you're teaching and why you're teaching it to the kids and have a really strategic way that you teach it using some of those examples that we talked about earlier on. So the kids really have an understanding of that. Please let me know what you thought of today's episode. Something I've realised recently is that I need to focus more on teaching you content. I think I've been quite good at teaching the skills for Community and Family Studies, like you know, PEEL and GLUE and RUN FAR and all those sorts of things but I think I need to focus more on the actual content itself. 

So please let me know if this was helpful. on Insta and then obviously you can find me on Facebook.

But I'd love to hear what you thought of today's episode and what you're doing in your class to make those really strategic connections across to the Year 12 Community and Family Studies course. Now, if you're looking for something that is going to help you do this, of course, I do have a Year 11 CAFS course and you if you head to you can check it out. The way I've developed most like most of my Community and Family Studies courses is it's less on the talking more on the application. So what you get that is scope and sequences, my suggested scope and sequence, outcomes mapping, learning intention & success criteria is a bonus. A whole course on Meaningful Assessment in Community and Family Studies, a whole document to map the Year 11 to the Year 12 Community and Family Studies course, lesson by lesson ideas, activities, templates and tables PLUS also exam preparation questions at the end of each dot point. So you literally get everything you need to teach Year 11 Community and Family Studies. Again head to to suss it out. But again, let me know what you're working on with your your CAFS Crew and I can't wait to see the connections you make across the course. Have a great day!



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I acknowledge and pay my respects to the
traditional custodians on whose land I walk, work & live.
This land was and always will be the land of the First Nations People.